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Computed column based on another computed column?

I have a computed column called Cost that returns money.

I want to have another column that returns (Cost * 2), but it doesn't allow me.

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Shimmy Weitzhandler Avatar asked Dec 04 '09 02:12

Shimmy Weitzhandler

People also ask

Can a computed column reference another table?

While you can't reference another table's column directly within your expression, you can invoke a user-defined function. And therefore, you could create a user-defined function that performs the calculation you need, then simply call that function as your computed column's expression.

Can you index a computed column?

Creating Indexes on Persisted Computed ColumnsYou can do this when the column is marked PERSISTED in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. This means that the Database Engine stores the computed values in the table, and updates them when any other columns on which the computed column depends are updated.

Are there any disadvantages of using computed column?

Some LimitationsYou can not reference columns from other tables for a computed column expression directly. You can not apply insert or update statements on computed columns.

How can you use computed column in an SQL query?

A computed column expression can use data from other columns to calculate a value for the column to which it belongs. You can specify an expression for a computed column in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.

1 Answers

Computed columns cannot reference other computed columns. Though you ought to be able to just repeat the expression you would like to reference. From MSDN:

A computed column is computed from an expression that can use other columns in the same table. The expression can be a noncomputed column name, constant, function, and any combination of these connected by one or more operators. The expression cannot be a subquery.

I should also add that if this were to work as you would hope, it would present all kinds of new issues you'd have to deal with. Presently, updates across many columns/rows occur in parallel and atomically.

Therefore, it wouldn't make sense to use a computed column in your calculation because it wouldn't exactly have a value...yet. If anything, you'd be using an old, un-updated value.

If you really wanted to avoid duplicating the expression, you could do this in a trigger, though I strongly urge you not do that. Triggers are no fun and should only be used by very savvy people in rare cases.

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Michael Haren Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 14:01

Michael Haren