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Compute hash of class code at runtime (C#)?




Is it possible to compute the hash of a class at runtime in C# (presumably through reflection)? To be clear, I don't want to compute the hashcode of an instance of said class, I want to compute the hash of the class code itself (if a function in the class changes, I'd expect a different hash code to be computed). Ideally this would only be sensitive to changes in the object code (and not just a hash of the string representation of the code itself).

Thanks in advance for your help,

-- Breck

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Breck Fresen Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 20:03

Breck Fresen

1 Answers

If you have the Type you can use GetMethod to get an instance of MethodInfo, which in turn has a GetMethodBody that returns the IL for said method. You can then hash that.

I am curious. Why do you want to do this in the first place?

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Brian Rasmussen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Brian Rasmussen