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Composer install/update not working


I have a problem with Composer Package Manager. System is Ubuntu 12.04. I just can't make it work. I pulled my git project and try to run 'composer install', but it seems that nothing actually happens. I just get an information

Installing dependencies (including require-dev) 

then nothing actually happens. This is my log from this command run with -vvv parameter:


Does anyone have any idea what can be wrong ? I tried to clear cache, it did not help. I am sure this repo works well as I pulled it to my Windows machine and it downloaded everything just fine. 'composer diagnose' also returned OK. Thanks for any tips.

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Maksym Avatar asked Jan 10 '14 22:01


1 Answers

In first place You should try clearing composer cache.

rm -rf ~/.composer/cache 

But more probably it's issue connected with available memory. Increasing memory_limit should help.

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KLXN Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09