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Component ID has already been found in the view when using datatable with binding and Session Scoped [duplicate]



I have a XHTML page which on submission goes back to itself. The backing bean is session scoped. On the redirect to itself the page renders the h:datatable twice and gives me duplicate id error.I can visually see the table being rendered twice as well next to each other.

** xhtml page :**

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

                <h:form  >

                <h:dataTable binding="#{ecole.dataTable}" value="#{ecole.getEcoleList()}" var="c"
                border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 

                            <f:facet name="header">
                            <f:facet name="header">

                            <f:facet name="header">
                             <f:facet styleclass="options-width" name="header">
                             <h:commandLink action="#{ecole.editEcoleItem()}" title="Edit" >
                                <h:graphicImage style="border:0" url="/icones/b_edit.png" />
                             <h:commandLink title="Delete" 
                             onclick="return confirm('Voulez-vous confirmer la suppression?') ;" 
                              <h:graphicImage style="border:0" url="/icones/b_drop.png" />

                <!--  end product-table................................... --> 

this is error message shown :

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component ID j_id15:j_id16:j_id29 has already been found in the view.  See below for details.
    +id: null
     type: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot@1abe6f6
      +id: javax_faces_location_HEAD
       type: javax.faces.component.UIPanel@c84a5d
        +id: j_id4
         type: javax.faces.component.UIOutput@18a5776
        +id: j_id22
         type: javax.faces.component.UIOutput@1742dcc
      +id: j_id19
like image 806
Ziko Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 16:09


1 Answers

The binding attribute should bind to a request scoped bean or just be removed altogether and be replaced by a better alternative, depending on the concrete functional requirement.

If I get the functional requirement right of being able to retrieve the current item in the editEcoleItem() method, then you can just pass it directly as method argument, exactly as you did in deleteEcole(). This way you can just remove the binding attribute altogether. That's the JSF 2.0 / EL 2.2 way. Perhaps you were focusing too much on old JSF 1.x examples. You shouldn't do that when developing with JSF 2.x.

See also:

  • A JSF 2.0 CRUD example
  • How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable?
like image 183
BalusC Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10
