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compiling xkbcomp (Xorg App)

I'm trying to compile xkbcomp (from xorg App) but I got the following errors :

warning: libxcb.so.1, needed by /lib/libX11.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_connection_has_error'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_poll_for_reply'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_get_maximum_request_length'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_get_file_descriptor'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_connect'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_wait_for_reply'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_get_setup'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_wait_for_event'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_poll_for_event'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_parse_display'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_generate_id'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_disconnect'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_take_socket'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_writev'
/lib/libX11.so: undefined reference to `xcb_connect_to_display_with_auth_info'

Note: libX11 and libxcb are successfully been compiled (using autotools) and I got all my ".so" shared libraries and header files. But the problem still existing.

How can I solve that??

like image 611
Abdelbari Anouar Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 23:01

Abdelbari Anouar

1 Answers

I had solve the problem, I needed just to add "-lxcb" to my LDFLAGS. Now, it works fine. Thanks –

like image 125
Abdelbari Anouar Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 16:01

Abdelbari Anouar