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Compiling workflow with version control

Up till now I've used version control for simple web-based projects that don't really have a compile stage. I've now forked a relatively large project that follows the standard "./configure; make; make install" pattern. I'm unsure about the proper workflow for this type of project.

What do I do with all the created files from the compile process?

  • Add lots of stuff to .gitignore? This is hard, because I did not create the build process and do not really understand everything that is created.
  • Checkout the project somewhere else for each build? This seems like a pain, given that I often build every few minutes.
  • Just make sure never to add something I don't know about, i.e. never do git add . If so, how do I cleanup now and then?

Obviously this is something everybody who deals with compiled code faces, so I'm sure there's an accepted pattern, I just am not familiar with it yet.

like image 926
Tristan Avatar asked Jul 24 '10 15:07


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What is the basic flow of version control?

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What are the three types of version control?

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3 Answers

I agree with ChrisF, don't store binaries generated by the build in your repository. Your goal should be to have a nice .gitignore file, so that at any time running git status should show no "untracked files". That means git is either ignoring or tracking all files.

One procedure I use to build my .gitignore is this:

  1. add and commit all source to project (before anything was built)

    cd project

    git add .

    git commit -m'initial import'

  2. add simple patterns of files that will be ignored to .gitignore; this includes tings like *.o, *.so.

    echo '*.o' > .gitignore

    echo '*.so' >> .gitignore

  3. then I run the build.


  4. then I run

    git ls-files -o >> .gitignore

    which will pick up any outstanding files that are generated which you didn't specify with glob patterns.


like image 131
bartman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


To clean up your working directory, you can use git clean. It won't do any harm by default, unless you specify the -f (force) flag.

The command line git clean -xfd will delete everything in your working directory, that is not in version control.

like image 22
cypheon Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10


Simple strategy is to store make output in another directory, e.g. build and then ignore this directory. You can configure it like this:

mkdir build && cd build && ../configure
like image 44
romario333 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
