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Compiling in g++ for gprof

I do not understand the documentation for gprof regarding how to compile your program for profiling with gprof. In g++, is it required to compile with the -g option (debugging information) in a addition to the -pg option or not. In each case I get different results, and I would like to see where the bottlenecks in my application are in release mode, not in debug mode, where many optimizations are left out by the compiler (e.g. inlining)

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myahya Avatar asked May 03 '10 19:05


1 Answers

The documentation shows that you can do either, noting that you need -g for line by line profiling. So if you want to profile under release conditions, and can accept not doing line-by-line, you should be able to compile without -g.

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Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Matthew Flaschen