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Compiler can't find Python.h

I'm kinda new to C, and I can't seem to do what I want. I need to make some Python bindings for C functions, and I think I can figure this out. But there's one little line that WILL NOT WORK.

#include <Python.h>

I get this:

fatal error #1035: Can't find include file <Python.h>.

I've tried everything. I just stuck Python.h in the same folder as my project first. Then I put the file name in Library and Object files under linker. Then I did the same with python31.lib, then I put the directory python31.lib is in in my PATH variable. Nothing will let me get past this line. I see a lot of solutions on the net for Linux, but none for Windows. Please help!

like image 671
Void Star Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 05:02

Void Star

1 Answers

Whoops, answered in a comment. Here's a more answerly answer.

Make sure you put Python.h in your include path and the library in your library path.

like image 156
nmichaels Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 03:03
