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Compile Twitter bootstrap 3 docs (How to)?


I'm trying to compile bootstrap 3. I have the repo cloned on my local. I run make in the bootstrap directory.

aaas-imac:bootstrap aaa$ make    Building Bootstrap... -------------------------------------------------- Running JSHint on JavaScript...             ✔ Done Compiling LESS with Recess...               ✔ Done Prepping documentation assets...            ✔ Done Compiling and minifying JavaScript...       ✔ Done -------------------------------------------------- Success!  Thanks for using Bootstrap, <3 @mdo and @fat  aaas-imac:bootstrap aaa$  

I don't see the compiled docs anywhere?

like image 875
Harry Avatar asked Mar 10 '13 04:03


2 Answers

To install Jekyll and build: (Note for windows see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16853614/1596547)

  1. install rubygems (sudo apt-get install rubygems)
  2. (sudo) gem install jekyll
  3. go to the ./docs dir of your bootstrap install (see also: Explore and install Twitter Bootstrap 3)
  4. run jekyll --server from your bootstrap dir
  5. visit http://localhost:9001/ http://localhost:9001/docs.html in your browser

NB the default port for WEBrick will be 9001. If this port is not avaible an other port will be used: WARN TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2) INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=30728 port=4000

When you visit http://localhost:9001/ you will find a home screen. The "View docs" button links to /docs/ while the docs are on docs.html See below:

Twitter's Bootstrap 3.0.0 Docs

Now (jul 10 2013) the navbar links seems broken (missing .html) so use http://localhost:9001/javascript.html in stead of http://localhost:9001/javascript. See also: https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/pull/8443

Using git (jekyll already installed):

git clone --branch 3.0.0-wip git://github.com/twitter/bootstrap.git cd bootstrap jekyll --server 

visit http://localhost:9001/ or http://localhost:4000/

UPDATE @lee-whitney suggests to use jekyll serve instead of jekyll --server. The jekyll serve command creates a directory with the html files of the docs. You could serve this files on a (local) webserver. jekyll serve don't start a (jekyll) server. I test this commands on linux (Ubuntu 12.04LTS) with Jekyll 0.12.1

like image 118
Bass Jobsen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Bass Jobsen

Bootstrap 3.0's docs are built using Jekyll. To view the docs locally, you'll need to install Jekyll to run a local server.

like image 36
Kisuka Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
