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Compile out code for release build in D



Is there any mechanism in D (D2) to force code to be compiled out during a release build?

In C, you might have something like

#ifndef NDEBUG
/*Something that will only run in a debug build*/

I know that D has

debug(mymodule) {
   //Do something

But this requires the user to pass -debug for each module to enable it.

I'm looking for a global mechanism that will always run the code in a normal build but compile it out when you pass the -release flag. I know some built-ins have this ability (e.g. assert), but is there any way for user code to do it too?

like image 523
JRM Avatar asked Jul 06 '10 22:07


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1 Answers

There is a global notion of debug. Just write:

debug {
    ... code ...
like image 153
Andrei Alexandrescu Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Andrei Alexandrescu