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compile jdk via ant

I want to compile jdk files in order to include debug infromation. I'd like to use ant, because it's included in my NetBeans environement, so i've done the following:

  1. unzipped /src.zip in a tmp directory
  2. created a very simple build.xml file (one default target, one taks) in my tmp directory:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="CompileJDK" default="default" basedir=".">
    <target name="default">
    <javac srcdir="."
  1. created a jdkwd directory
  2. launched ant without parameters (just >log.txt)

This leads to 100 compilation errors such as:

    [javac] C:\jdkdebug\java\awt\Window.java:196: cannot find symbol
[javac] symbol  : class IdentityArrayList
[javac] location: class java.awt.Window
[javac]     private static final IdentityArrayList<Window> allWindows = new IdentityArrayList<Window>();

I have just one JDK installed on my machine, so i don't know why it does not resolve all this references.

UPDATE: The majority of these unresolved references belongs to the package:


The question now is corrected to: where are the missing jdk files?

like image 947
AgostinoX Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 11:11


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1 Answers

Building the JDK itself is a complex process and is not achievable by a simple javac call wrapped inside an ant project.

You should look at the OpenJDK Build README to get instructions on how to build for your platform.

like image 76
Robert Munteanu Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 12:10

Robert Munteanu