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Compilation fails with "expected unqualified-id" on "using"

I need some help making this program for class. We are working with g++ (linux? its through putty on a server) I am having a lot of issue with this linked list. The current error that it is giving me is

queue.cpp:2: error: expected unqualified-id before âusingâ

Wondering if anyone could help me figure it out. A little bit of searching shows that the problem seems to be in the #define somewhere? The error shows that it is in the .cpp file but i think it is in the .h file. Also if you could give me any programing advise about anything that seems off, wrong or if there a better way of doing it.

the queue.h file below

#ifndef QUEUE_H
#define QUEUE_H

template <class Object>
class Queue
     Queue(const Queue& a_queue);
     Queue& operator =(const Queue& rhs);
     bool enqueue(const Object& d);
     bool dequeue(const Object& d);
     bool isEmpty() const;

    struct ListNode
        Object obj;
        ListNode *next;

    ListNode *head;

#endif //Queue_H
#include "queue.cpp"  //include queue.cpp with file

the queue.cpp file here.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class Object>
    head = NULL;

template <class Object>
Queue<Object>::Queue(const Queue<Object>& a_queue)

template <class Object>
Queue<Object>& Queue<Object>::operator =(const Queue<Object> &rhs)
    ListNode *nodePtr;
    nodePtr = rhs.head;
    if(this != rhs){
        this.head = NULL;
        while(nodePtr != NULL){
             nodePtr = nodePtr->next;

template <class Object>
bool Queue<Object>::enqueue (const Object& d) //Enqueue
    ListNode *newNode;
    ListNode *nodePtr;
    ListNode *previousNode;
    previousNode = NULL;
    nodePtr = NULL;
    newNode = new ListNode;
    newNode->obj = d;
    newNode->next = NULL;

        head = newNode;
        return true;
        nodePtr = head;
        previousNode = NULL;
        while(nodePtr != NULL){
            previousNode = nodePtr;
        if(previousNode->next == NULL){
            previousNode->next = newNode;
            return true;
            return false;

template <class Object>
bool Queue<Object>::dequeue (const Object& d)  //Dequeue
    ListNode *nodePtr;

        return false;
        if(head->next != NULL){
            nodePtr = head;
            head = head->next;
            delete nodePtr;
            delete head;
        return true;

template <class Object>
bool Queue<Object>::isEmpty() const  //Check if Empty
        return true;
        return false;

template <class Object>
Queue<Object>::~Queue()   //Destructor
    Object temp;
    while (head != NULL)
        dequeue (temp);
like image 306
kingcong3 Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 14:02


2 Answers

  1. Don't include your implementation file from the header. Include the header from the implementation file.
  2. I don't see you say "using namespace std" in the header in your code, but you say in your comment that you do that. Don't. Never say using namespace in a header file.
  3. Place all template definitions in the header.
  4. You're missing a semicolon in your class definition in the header.
  5. Your assignment operator is not exception-safe. Make sure your copy-constructor is correct and then use the copy & swap idiom.
  6. Your copy-constructor is incorrect. If you want to support lazy copy (copy on write) then that's fine, but you're missing the actual deep copy operation. Be extra-careful with the copy constructor, because it extremely important you get it right.
like image 81
wilhelmtell Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 14:03


You need a semicolon after your class declaration in the header.

class Queue
     Queue(const Queue& a_queue);
     Queue& operator =(const Queue& rhs);
     bool enqueue(const Object& d);
     bool dequeue(const Object& d);
     bool isEmpty() const;

    struct ListNode
        Object obj;
        ListNode *next;

    ListNode *head;
like image 28
jonsca Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 14:03
