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Comparing two xml files in python

I am new to programming in python,´and i have some troubles understanding the concept. I wish to compare two xml files. These xml files are quite large. I will give an example for the type of files i wish to compare.




xml file2:




the property1,property2 that i have named are different from the ones that are actually in the file. There are a lot of properties within the xml file. ANd i wish to compare the two xml files.

I am using an lxml parser to try to compare the two files and to print out the difference between them.

I do not know how to parse it and compare it automatically.

I tried reading through the lxml parser, but i couldnt understand how to use it to my problem.

Can someone please tell me how should i proceed with this problem.

Code snippets can be very useful

One more question, Am i following the right concept or i am missing something else? Please correct me of any new concepts that you knwo about

like image 206
sankar Avatar asked Jun 30 '14 14:06


People also ask

How can I compare two XML files?

Copy and paste, drag and drop a XML file or directly type in the editors above, and then click on "Compare" button they will be compared if the two XML are valids. You can also click on "load XML from URL" button to load your XML data from a URL (Must be https).

How do I compare two XML files in Visual Studio?

From the left Explorer panel, right-click the first file and choose Select for Compare from the right-click menu. Then right-click the second file and choose Compare with Selected. Both the files will be opened in the main panel, side by side in inline view mode which is comfortable for comparing the differences.

2 Answers

If your intent is to compare the XML content and attributes, and not just compare the files byte-by-byte, there are subtleties to the question, so there is no solution that fits all cases.

You have to know something about what is important in the XML files.

The order of attributes listed in an element tag is generally not supposed to matter. That is, two XML files that differ only in the order of element attributes generally ought to be judged the same.

But that's the generic part.

The tricky part is application-dependent. For instance, it may be that white-space formatting of some elements of the file doesn't matter, and white-space might be added to the XML for legibility. And so on.

Recent versions of the ElementTree module have a function canonicalize(), which can take care of simpler cases, by putting the XML string into a canonical format.

I used this function in the unit tests of a recent project, to compare a known XML output with output from a package that sometimes changes the order of attributes. In this case, white space in the text elements was unimportant, but it was sometimes used for formatting.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def _canonicalize_XML( xml_str ):
    """ Canonicalizes XML strings, so they are safe to 
        compare directly. 
        Strips white space from text content."""

    if not hasattr( ET, "canonicalize" ):
        raise Exception( "ElementTree missing canonicalize()" )

    root = ET.fromstring( xml_str )
    rootstr = ET.tostring( root )
    return ET.canonicalize( rootstr, strip_text=True )

To use it, something like this:

file1 = ET.parse('file1.xml')
file2 = ET.parse('file2.xml')

canon1 = _canonicalize_XML( ET.tostring( file1.getroot() ) )
canon2 = _canonicalize_XML( ET.tostring( file2.getroot() ) )

print( canon1 == canon2 )

In my distribution, the Python 2 doesn't have canonicalize(), but Python 3 does.

like image 162
Steve White Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Steve White

My approach to the problem was transforming each XML into a xml.etree.ElementTree and iterating through each of the layers. I also included the functionality to ignore a list of attributes while doing the comparison.

The first block of code holds the class used:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import logging

class XmlTree():

    def __init__(self):
        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('xml-comparison.log')
        self.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

    def convert_string_to_tree( xmlString):

        return ET.fromstring(xmlString)

    def xml_compare(self, x1, x2, excludes=[]):
        Compares two xml etrees
        :param x1: the first tree
        :param x2: the second tree
        :param excludes: list of string of attributes to exclude from comparison
            True if both files match

        if x1.tag != x2.tag:
            self.logger.debug('Tags do not match: %s and %s' % (x1.tag, x2.tag))
            return False
        for name, value in x1.attrib.items():
            if not name in excludes:
                if x2.attrib.get(name) != value:
                    self.logger.debug('Attributes do not match: %s=%r, %s=%r'
                                 % (name, value, name, x2.attrib.get(name)))
                    return False
        for name in x2.attrib.keys():
            if not name in excludes:
                if name not in x1.attrib:
                    self.logger.debug('x2 has an attribute x1 is missing: %s'
                                 % name)
                    return False
        if not self.text_compare(x1.text, x2.text):
            self.logger.debug('text: %r != %r' % (x1.text, x2.text))
            return False
        if not self.text_compare(x1.tail, x2.tail):
            self.logger.debug('tail: %r != %r' % (x1.tail, x2.tail))
            return False
        cl1 = x1.getchildren()
        cl2 = x2.getchildren()
        if len(cl1) != len(cl2):
            self.logger.debug('children length differs, %i != %i'
                         % (len(cl1), len(cl2)))
            return False
        i = 0
        for c1, c2 in zip(cl1, cl2):
            i += 1
            if not c1.tag in excludes:
                if not self.xml_compare(c1, c2, excludes):
                    self.logger.debug('children %i do not match: %s'
                                 % (i, c1.tag))
                    return False
        return True

    def text_compare(self, t1, t2):
        Compare two text strings
        :param t1: text one
        :param t2: text two
            True if a match
        if not t1 and not t2:
            return True
        if t1 == '*' or t2 == '*':
            return True
        return (t1 or '').strip() == (t2 or '').strip()

The second block of code holds a couple of XML examples and their comparison:

xml1 = "<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>"

xml2 = "<note><to>Tove</to><from>Daniel</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>"

tree1 = XmlTree.convert_string_to_tree(xml1)
tree2 = XmlTree.convert_string_to_tree(xml2)

comparator = XmlTree()

if comparator.xml_compare(tree1, tree2, ["from"]):
    print "XMLs match"
    print "XMLs don't match"

Most of the credit for this code must be given to syawar

like image 27
danimirror Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
