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Comparing two [String: Any] dictionaries in Swift 4

I have two dictionaries that work as text attributes of type [String: Any] and in order to toggle ON or OFF the desired attributes I need to check if two dictionaries are the same.

I tried the following:

let current = inputTextView.typingAttributes

let undo = current.elementsEqual(attributes, by: { (arg0, arg1) -> Bool in
    return ((arg0.key == arg1.key) && (arg0.value == arg1.value))

But on the second evaluation I get the error:

Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two 'Any' operands

What's the best approach here to compare two dictionaries of type [String: Any] ??

Thank you

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Ivan Cantarino Avatar asked Dec 04 '17 11:12

Ivan Cantarino

People also ask

How do I compare two dictionaries in Swift?

Without custom type in value of Dictionary, in Swift 2+ you can use the == operator to compare two Dictionary to check if they are equal or not. But in some cases with custom types as the Dictionary 's value (like struct ), you must adopt Equatable in order for that custom type to use == operator.

Are dictionaries passed by reference Swift?

Instances of your SharedDictionary will be passed-by-reference (not copied).

How dictionary works internally Swift?

dictionary in Swift is used to store elements. Dictionary also contains one key while storing elements to it, later on, we can use these keys to access the elements store in the dictionary. Dictionary in swift does not maintain the insertion order of the element in which they are stored, they are unordered in nature.

2 Answers


  • Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8), Swift 5


func areEqual (_ left: Any, _ right: Any) -> Bool {
    if  type(of: left) == type(of: right) &&
        String(describing: left) == String(describing: right) { return true }
    if let left = left as? [Any], let right = right as? [Any] { return left == right }
    if let left = left as? [AnyHashable: Any], let right = right as? [AnyHashable: Any] { return left == right }
    return false

extension Array where Element: Any {
    static func != (left: [Element], right: [Element]) -> Bool { return !(left == right) }
    static func == (left: [Element], right: [Element]) -> Bool {
        if left.count != right.count { return false }
        var right = right
        loop: for leftValue in left {
            for (rightIndex, rightValue) in right.enumerated() where areEqual(leftValue, rightValue) {
                right.remove(at: rightIndex)
                continue loop
            return false
        return true
extension Dictionary where Value: Any {
    static func != (left: [Key : Value], right: [Key : Value]) -> Bool { return !(left == right) }
    static func == (left: [Key : Value], right: [Key : Value]) -> Bool {
        if left.count != right.count { return false }
        for element in left {
            guard   let rightValue = right[element.key],
                areEqual(rightValue, element.value) else { return false }
        return true


let comparisonResult = ["key1": 1, 2: "Value2"] == ["key1": ["key2":2]]     // false
print("!!!! \(comparisonResult)")

Some tests

func test(dict1: [AnyHashable : Any], dict2:  [AnyHashable : Any]) {
    print("dict1: \(dict1)")
    print("dict2: \(dict2)")
    print("are\(dict1 == dict2 ? " " : " not ")equal")

test(dict1: ["key1": 1, 2: "Value2"],
     dict2: ["key1": 1, 2: "Value2"])

test(dict1: ["key1": 1, 2: "Value2"],
     dict2: ["key1": 1])

test(dict1: [2: "Value2"],
     dict2: ["key1": 1])

test(dict1: ["1": 1],
     dict2: [1: 1])

test(dict1: [1: 2],
     dict2: [1: 3])

test(dict1: ["key1": [1,2,3,4]],
     dict2: ["key1": [1,2,3,4]])

test(dict1: ["key1": [1,2,3,4]],
     dict2: ["key1": [2,1,3,4]])

test(dict1: ["key1": [1,2,3,4]],
     dict2: ["key1": [2,1,3]])

test(dict1: ["key1": [1,2,3,4]],
     dict2: ["key1": [1,2,3,"4"]])

test(dict1: ["key1": ["key2":2]],
     dict2: ["key1": ["key2":2]])

test(dict1: ["key1": ["key2":2]],
     dict2: ["key1": ["key2":3]])

test(dict1: ["key1": ["key2":2]],
     dict2: ["key1": ["key2":3]])

Tests results

dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): 1, AnyHashable(2): "Value2"]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): 1, AnyHashable(2): "Value2"]
are equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): 1, AnyHashable(2): "Value2"]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): 1]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable(2): "Value2"]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): 1]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("1"): 1]
dict2: [AnyHashable(1): 1]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable(1): 2]
dict2: [AnyHashable(1): 3]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, 4]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, 4]]
are equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, 4]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): [2, 1, 3, 4]]
are equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, 4]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): [2, 1, 3]]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, 4]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): [1, 2, 3, "4"]]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 2]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 2]]
are equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 2]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 3]]
are not equal
dict1: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 2]]
dict2: [AnyHashable("key1"): ["key2": 3]]
are not equal
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Vasily Bodnarchuk Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10

Vasily Bodnarchuk

Any does not conform to Equatable protocol. It is a must-have for a type if the == operator will be used. Therefore, you need to compare your Any objects using a function that takes a type parameter as mentioned in this answer:

func isEqual<T: Equatable>(type: T.Type, a: Any, b: Any) -> Bool? {
    guard let a = a as? T, let b = b as? T else { return nil }
    return a == b

However, to use this function, you should know the exact type of each value in typingAttributes. You can achieve this using the Mirror struct as follows:

let lilAny: Any = "What's my type? :("
print(Mirror(reflecting: lilAny).subjectType) // String
like image 29
Dorukhan Arslan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10

Dorukhan Arslan