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Comparing Times Using Moment.js

I've been playing around with Moment.js and I've come across a problem. I've been trying to identify whether a date given is in the past or in the future. The dates are stored as Unix timestamps. So when I'm comparing future dates with current dates, it's working ok, but it's not triggering for past dates. The sample code is below and a fiddle is here.

var pastUnixTime = '1348812970'; //some time in the past
var futureUnixTime = '1352350231';

if (moment.unix(futureUnixTime).format('DD MM YYYY') > moment().format('DD MM YYYY')) {

if (moment.unix(pastUnixTime).format('DD MM YYYY') < moment().format('DD MM YYYY')) {
    console.log('yay 2');

The above code logs yay not not yay 2. Can anybody explain to me why is it not logging yay 2?

like image 362
Hirvesh Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 06:11


People also ask

How do you compare two times using a moment?

Compare two dates using Moment.Moment. js has a diff() method, which gives the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, etc. We can use the second unit in our case to find the difference between the two dates.

Can we compare time in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, we can compare two dates by converting them into numeric values to correspond to their time. First, we can convert the Date into a numeric value by using the getTime() function. By converting the given dates into numeric values we can directly compare them.

What is Moment () hour ()?

The moment(). hour() Method is used to get the hours from the current time or to set the hours. Syntax: moment().hour(); or. moment().

Is MomentJS still used?

Moment.js has been successfully used in millions of projects, and we are happy to have contributed to making date and time better on the web. As of September 2020, Moment gets over 12 million downloads per week!

1 Answers

You actually don't need to use .format() at all for this.

First, the timestamps should be numbers, not strings (ex, var pastUnixTime = 1348812970;), and second, you can compare them directly:

> pastUnixTime = 1348812970;
> pastUnixTime < moment().unix()
> pastUnixTime > moment().unix() 

Now, the reason your code is failing is that when you compare the DD MM YYYY strings, they are being compared lexicographically… And the days are first! So the string "01 01 2000" will always be "less than" "31 12 1900". If you wanted to compare strings, you could use YYYY MM DD format — that way, "2000 01 01" will be correctly "greater than" "1900 12 31". But there's no reason to do that - timestamps are much more straight forward.

Finally, a note: you don't actually need to use the .unix() - instances of moment() will compare sensibly:

> past = moment().subtract("days", 1)
> now = moment()
> past < now
> past > now
like image 61
David Wolever Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

David Wolever