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Comparing PrevProps in componentDidUpdate

I am trying to detect when a prop has changed inside componentDidUpdate of a mounted component. I have a test (refreshData in the code below) that is working fine. Is it possible to SOMEHOW pass props in a way that aren't detected by componentDidUpdate(prevProps)?

In component.js:


    //works fine
    if ( this.props.refreshData !== prevProps.refreshData ) {
        if ( this.props.refreshData )

    //these two arent calling
    if ( this.props.selectedCountries !== prevProps.selectedCountries ) {
        if ( this.props.selectedCountries )
            console.log('updated selected countries');

    if ( this.props.selectedLocations !== prevProps.selectedLocations ) {
        console.log('updated selected locations');


and in App.js passing the props like:

selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {


  let selectedType = 'selected' + type;
  let previousState = [];

  if (clear) {
      selectedCountries: [],
      selectedLocations: [],
      selectedServices: [],
      selectedPoints: [],
      mapCenter: [lng, lat],
      locationGeoCoords: [polydata]

  } else {

    previousState = this.state[selectedType];
    if (previousState.indexOf(id) === -1) {
      //push id

    } else {
      //remove id
      var index = previousState.indexOf(id)
      previousState.splice(index, 1);

  if (type === "Countries") {

      selectedCountries: previousState,
      refreshData: true,
  } else if (type === "Locations") {
      selectedLocations: previousState,
      refreshData: true
  } else if (type === "Points") {
      selectedPoints: previousState,
      refreshData: true


render() {
  return (

      refreshData={this.state.refreshData} />
like image 779
barrylachapelle Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 19:09


People also ask

What is componentDidUpdate prevProps?

Let's define the parameters used in the componentDidUpdate function: prevProps: This is the first argument, and it passes the previous props to the component. prevState: This is the second argument, and it passes the previous state of the component. snapshot: Returns value using the getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() method.

When should I use componentDidUpdate method?

componentDidUpdate() is invoked immediately after updating occurs. This method is not called for the initial render. Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has been updated.

What arguments does componentDidUpdate () receive?

When componentDidUpdate() is called, two arguments are passed: prevProps and prevState . This is the inverse of componentWillUpdate() .

2 Answers

Hi :) as noted in my comment, the issue is in your App.js file - you are mutating an array. In other words, when you THINK you are creating a new array of selected countries to pass down, you are actually updating the original array, and so when you go to do a comparison you are comparing the two exact same arrays ALWAYS.

Try updating your App.js like so -

selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {


  let selectedType = 'selected' + type;
  let previousState = [];

  if (clear) {
      selectedCountries: [],
      selectedLocations: [],
      selectedServices: [],
      selectedPoints: [],
      mapCenter: [lng, lat],
      locationGeoCoords: [polydata]

  } else {

    previousState = [].concat(this.state[selectedType]);
    if (previousState.indexOf(id) === -1) {
      //push id

    } else {
      //remove id
      var index = previousState.indexOf(id)
      previousState.splice(index, 1);

  if (type === "Countries") {

      selectedCountries: previousState,
      refreshData: true,
  } else if (type === "Locations") {
      selectedLocations: previousState,
      refreshData: true
  } else if (type === "Points") {
      selectedPoints: previousState,
      refreshData: true


render() {
  return (

      refreshData={this.state.refreshData} />

The only difference is the line where you set previousState - I updated it to be

previousState = [].concat(this.state[selectedType]);

By adding the [].concat I am effectively creating a NEW array each time and so then when you apply your changes to the array via push/splice you will be only modifying the NEW array. Then the comparison will work properly once you pass it down as props :)

For your reading interest, I found a post that talks about this a bit: https://medium.com/pro-react/a-brief-talk-about-immutability-and-react-s-helpers-70919ab8ae7c

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Rose Robertson Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Rose Robertson

selectedCountries and selectedLocations are array objects. The reference of it never changes. Instead check for the length.


    if ( this.props.refreshData !== prevProps.refreshData ) {
        if ( this.props.refreshData )

    if ( this.props.selectedCountries.length > prevProps.selectedCountries.length ) {
        if ( this.props.selectedCountries )
            console.log('updated selected countries');

    if ( this.props.selectedLocations.length > prevProps.selectedLocations.length ) {
        console.log('updated selected locations');

In the code snippet above, you seem to be making changes to this.state directly. State should be immutable. Always make sure, you concat to add and filter to delete the elements as they create a new array instead of mutating the original array in the state. I would do something in these lines.

Also it is a good practice to capitalize the component name.

selectLocation = (id, type, lng, lat, polydata, name, clear = false) => {

        let selectedType = "selected" + type;
        let previousState = [];
        let updatedData = [];

        if (clear) {
            selectedCountries: [],
            selectedLocations: [],
            selectedServices: [],
            selectedPoints: [],
            mapCenter: [lng, lat],
            locationGeoCoords: [polydata]
        } else {
          const data = this.state[selectedType];
          if (data.indexOf(id) === -1) {
            //push id
            updatedData = [...data, id];
          } else {
            updatedData = data.filter((value) => value !== id);

        if(type) {
            [selectedType]: updatedData,
            refreshData: true

      render() {
        return (
like image 37
Sushanth -- Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Sushanth --