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Compare two slices

Is there a way in Go to compare two slices and get the elements in slice X that are not in slice Y and vice versa?

    X := []int{10, 12, 12, 12, 13}
    Y := []int{12, 14, 15}

func compare(X, Y []int)  

calling compare(X, Y)   
    result1 := []int{10, 12, 12, 13} // if you're looking for elements in slice X that are not in slice Y

calling compare(Y, X)
    result2 := []int{14, 15} // if you're looking for elements in slice Y that are not in slice X
like image 437
jwesonga Avatar asked May 26 '14 12:05


3 Answers

If order is not important, and the sets are large, you should use a set implementation, and use its diff function to compare them.

Sets are not part of the standard library, but you can use this library for example, you can initialize a set automatically from a slice with it. https://github.com/deckarep/golang-set

Something like this:

import (
    set "github.com/deckarep/golang-set"

func main() {
    //note that the set accepts []interface{}
    X := []interface{}{10, 12, 12, 12, 13}
    Y := []interface{}{12, 14, 15}

    Sx := set.NewSetFromSlice(X)
    Sy := set.NewSetFromSlice(Y)
    result1 := Sx.Difference(Sy)
    result2 := Sy.Difference(Sx)

like image 115
Not_a_Golfer Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 13:11


Something like this should work:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    X := []int{10, 12, 12, 12, 13}
    Y := []int{12, 14, 15}

    fmt.Println(compare(X, Y))
    fmt.Println(compare(Y, X))

func compare(X, Y []int) []int {
    m := make(map[int]int)

    for _, y := range Y {

    var ret []int
    for _, x := range X {
        if m[x] > 0 {
        ret = append(ret, x)

    return ret


like image 41
ctn Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 12:11


All of the solutions provided fail to precisely answer the question asked. Instead of the differences in the slices, the solutions provide the differences of the sets of elements in the slices.

Specifically, instead of the intended example of:

    X := []int{10, 12, 12, 12, 13}
    Y := []int{12, 14, 15}

func compare(X, Y []int)  

calling compare(X, Y)   
    result1 := []int{10, 12, 12, 13} // if you're looking for elements in slice X that are not in slice Y

calling compare(Y, X)
    result2 := []int{14, 15}

The provided solutions will result in:

result1 := []int{10,13}
result2 := []int{14,15}

To yield strictly the example result, a different method is required. Here are two solutions:

If the slices are already sorted:

This solution may be faster if you sort your slices, and then call compare. It'll definitely be faster if your slices are already sorted.

func compare(X, Y []int) []int {
    difference := make([]int, 0)
    var i, j int
    for i < len(X) && j < len(Y) {
        if X[i] < Y[j] {
            difference = append(difference, X[i])
        } else if X[i] > Y[j] {
        } else { //X[i] == Y[j]
    if i < len(X) { //All remaining in X are greater than Y, just copy over
        finalLength := len(X) - i + len(difference)
        if finalLength > cap(difference) {
            newDifference := make([]int, finalLength)
            copy(newDifference, difference)
            copy(newDifference[len(difference):], X[i:])
            difference = newDifference
        } else {
            differenceLen := len(difference)
            difference = difference[:finalLength]
            copy(difference[differenceLen:], X[i:])
    return difference

Go Playground version

Unsorted Version using maps

func compareMapAlternate(X, Y []int) []int {
    counts := make(map[int]int)
    var total int
    for _, val := range X {
        counts[val] += 1
        total += 1
    for _, val := range Y {
        if count := counts[val]; count > 0 {
            counts[val] -= 1
            total -= 1
    difference := make([]int, total)
    i := 0
    for val, count := range counts {
        for j := 0; j < count; j++ {
            difference[i] = val
    return difference

Go Playground version

Edit: I've created a benchmark for testing my two version (with the map having a slight modification where it deletes zero values from the map). It won't run on Go Playground because Time doesn't work properly on it, so I ran it on my own computer.

compareSort sorts the slice and calls the iterated version of compare, and compareSorted runs afters compareSort but relies on the slice already being sorted.

Case: len(X)== 10000 && len(Y)== 10000
--compareMap time: 4.0024ms
--compareMapAlternate time: 3.0225ms
--compareSort time: 4.9846ms
--compareSorted time: 1ms
--Result length == 6754 6754 6754 6754
Case: len(X)== 1000000 && len(Y)== 1000000
--compareMap time: 378.2492ms
--compareMapAlternate time: 387.2955ms
--compareSort time: 816.5619ms
--compareSorted time: 28.0432ms
--Result length == 673505 673505 673505 673505
Case: len(X)== 10000 && len(Y)== 1000000
--compareMap time: 35.0269ms
--compareMapAlternate time: 43.0492ms
--compareSort time: 385.2629ms
--compareSorted time: 3.0242ms
--Result length == 3747 3747 3747 3747
Case: len(X)== 1000000 && len(Y)== 10000
--compareMap time: 247.1561ms
--compareMapAlternate time: 240.1727ms
--compareSort time: 400.2875ms
--compareSorted time: 17.0311ms
--Result length == 993778 993778 993778 993778

As you can see, if the array is sorted not using maps is much faster, but using maps is faster than sorting it and then using the iterated approach. For small cases sorting may be quick enough that it should be used, but the benchmark would finish to quickly to be timed.

like image 3
Laremere Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 11:11
