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Compare similarity of terms/expressions using NLTK?




I'm trying to compare terms/expressions which would (or not) be semantically related - these are not full sentences, and not necessarily single words; e.g. -

'Social networking service' and 'Social network' are clearly strongly related, but how to i quantify this using nltk?

Clearly i'm missing something as even the code:

w1 = wordnet.synsets('social network')

returns an empty list.

Any advice on how to tackle this?

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GG_Python Avatar asked Jun 01 '13 21:06


2 Answers

There are some measures of semantic relatedness or similarity, but they're better defined for single words or single expressions in wordnet's lexicon - not for compounds of wordnet's lexical entries, as far as I know.

This is a nice web implementation of many similarity wordnet-based measures

  • http://wn-similarity.sourceforge.net/

Some further reading on interpreting compounds using wordnet similarity (although not evaluating similarity on compounds), if you're interested:

  • CiteSeerX (citations are clearer)
  • Same article, PDF
like image 113
arturomp Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09


Here is a solution you can use.

     w1 = wordnet.synsets('social')
     w2 = wordnet.synsets('network')

w1 and w2 will have an array of synsets. Find the similarity between each synset of w1 with w2. The one with maximum similarity give you combined synset (which is what you are looking for).

Here is the full code

from nltk.corpus import wordnet
x = 'social'
y = 'network'
xsyn = wordnet.synsets(x)
# xsyn
#[Synset('sociable.n.01'), Synset('social.a.01'), Synset('social.a.02'),   
#Synset('social.a.03'), Synset('social.s.04'), Synset('social.s.05'),   

ysyn = wordnet.synsets(y)
#[Synset('network.n.01'), Synset('network.n.02'), Synset('net.n.06'), 
#Synset('network.n.04'), Synset('network.n.05'), Synset('network.v.01')]

xlen = len(xsyn)
ylen = len(ysyn)

import numpy
simindex = numpy.zeros( (xlen,ylen) )

def relative_matrix(asyn,bsyn,simindex): # find similarity between asyn & bsyn

    I = -1
    J = -1

    for asyn_element in asyn:
        I += 1

        cb = wordnet.synset(asyn_element.name)
        J = -1
        for bsyn_element in bsyn:
            J += 1
            ib = wordnet.synset(bsyn_element.name)
            if not cb.pos == ib.pos: # compare nn , vv not nv or an
            score = cb.wup_similarity(ib)
            r = cb.path_similarity(ib)
            if simindex [I,J] < score:
                simindex [I,J] = score

 print simindex
array([[ 0.46153846,  0.125     ,  0.13333333,  0.125     ,  0.125     ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ],
   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
     0.        ]])
#'a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity'
#'an interconnected system of things or people'

If you see simindex[0,0] is the max value 0.46153846 so xsyn[0] and ysyn[0] seems to be best describe w1 = wordnet.synsets('social network') which you can see with definition.

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Somum Avatar answered Jan 01 '70 00:01
