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Compare request.path with a reversed url in Django template

I understand that request.path will give me the current URL.

I am currently working on my base.html template with CSS tabs and I want the template to know which tab is currently "active" and pass class="active-tab" to an <a> tag.

So I wanted to do something like

<a href="{% url orders_list %}"
    {% if request.path = reverse('orders_list') %}
    {$ endif %}

But I'm sure you can't do that if comparison. I also only want the base (?) URL ignoring any GET parameters.

Any suggestions or tips also welcomed. Thanks in advance!

like image 781
hobbes3 Avatar asked Apr 21 '12 22:04


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You can do that by using request. META['HTTP_REFERER'] , but it will exist if only your tab previous page was from your website, else there will be no HTTP_REFERER in META dict . So be careful and make sure that you are using . get() notation instead.

1 Answers

Building on Josh's answer, you can use a simple 'if' tag:

{% url 'orders_list' as orders_list_url %}
<a{% if request.path == orders_list_url %} class="active"{% endif %}
  href="{{ orders_list_url }}">Orders</a>
like image 138
macro Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
