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Compare multiple values in PHP

I'd like to go from this:

if($var == 3 || $var == 4 || $var == 5 || $var =='string' || $var == '2010-05-16') {
   // execute code here

to this:

if($var == (3, 4, 5, 'string', '2010-05-16')) { // execute code here }

Seems very redundant to keep typing $var, and I find that it makes it a bit cumbersome to read. Is there a way in PHP to do simplify it in this way? I read on a post here that when using XQuery you can use the = operator as in $var = (1,2,3,4,5) etc.

like image 748
John Avatar asked Nov 05 '10 13:11


1 Answers

Place the values in an array, then use the function in_array() to check if they exist.

$checkVars = array(3, 4, 5, "string", "2010-05-16");
if(in_array($var, $checkVars)){
    // Value is found.


like image 166
Greg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
