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compare and sort different type of objects using java Collections

How to compare and sort different type of objects using java Collections .Below is the use case: For example DOG,MAN,TREE, COMPUTER,MACHINE - all these different objects has a common property say "int lifeTime". Now I want to order these obects based on the lifeTime property


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JavaUser Avatar asked Oct 02 '10 12:10


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Collections class provides static methods for sorting the elements of a collection. If collection elements are of a Set type, we can use TreeSet. However, we cannot sort the elements of List. Collections class provides methods for sorting the elements of List type elements.

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By default, Collection. sort performs the sorting in ascending order. If we want to sort the elements in reverse order we could use following methods: reverseOrder() : Returns a Comparator that imposes the reverse of natural ordering of elements of the collection.

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The compareTo method defines the natural order; the default way for ordering objects of a class. It should return a negative integer(usually -1), if the current triggering object is less than the passed one, and positive integer (usually +1) if greater than, and 0 if equal.

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1 Answers

All of these objects should have a common abstract class/interface such as Alive with a method getLifeTime(), and you could have either Alive extends Comparable<Alive> or create your own Comparator<Alive>.

public abstract class Alive extends Comparable<Alive>{
    public abstract int getLifeTime();
    public int compareTo(Alive alive){
        return 0; // Or a negative number or a positive one based on the getLifeTime() method


public interface Alive {
    int getLifeTime();

public class AliveComparator implements Comparator<Alive>{
    public int compare(Alive alive1, Alive alive2){
        return 0; // Or a negative number or a positive one based on the getLifeTime() method

After that the next step is to use either an automatically sorted collection (TreeSet<Alive>) or sort a List<Alive> with Collections.sort().

Resources :

  • Javadoc - Collections.sort()
  • Javadoc - Comparable
  • Javadoc - Comparator
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Colin Hebert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Colin Hebert