I have to write a program that compares 10'000'000+ Entities against one another. The entities are basically flat rows in a database/csv file.
The comparison algorithm has to be pretty flexible, it's based on a rule engine where the end user enters rules and each entity is matched against every other entity.
I'm thinking about how I could possibly split this task into smaller workloads but I haven't found anything yet. Since the rules are entered by the end user pre-sorting the DataSet seems impossible.
What I'm trying to do now is fit the entire DataSet in memory and process each item. But that's not highly efficient and requires approx. 20 GB of memory (compressed).
Do you have an idea how I could split the workload or reduce it's size?
The term “Pte” in “private company” means “private” and “ltd” in “limited company” means its liabilities are limited to its stakeholders' shares. A Pte Ltd is the most flexible and scalable company structure in the country.
These all indicate the business is a corporation (and are abbreviations of Incorporated, Company, Corporation, Limited). Incidentally, some states allow an LLC or Limited Partnership to use “Ltd.”
Singapore Entity means a company incorporated in Singapore or a foreign company with a substantial connection to Singapore in accordance with Section 351 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore (as amended).
Limited by Shares - Name usually ends with “Ltd”. - Can have more than 50 shareholders. - May raise capital by offering shares or debentures to the public. - Must register a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore before making any public offers.
If your rules are on the highest level of abstraction (e.g. any unknown comparison function), you can't achive your goal. 10^14 comparison operations will run for ages.
If the rules are not completely general I see 3 solutions to optimize different cases:
if comparison is transitive and you can calculate hash (somebody already recommended this), do it. Hashes can also be complicated, not only your rules =). Find good hash function and it might help in many cases.
if entities are sortable, sort them. For this purpose I'd recommend not sorting in-place, but build an array of indexes (or IDs) of items. If your comparison can be transformed to SQL (as I understand your data is in database), you can perform this on the DBMS side more efficiently and read the sorted indexes (for example 3,1,2 which means that item with ID=3 is the lowest, with ID=1 is in the middle and with ID=2 is the largest). Then you need to compare only adjacent elements.
if things are worth, I would try to use some heuristical sorting or hashing. I mean I would create hash which not necessarily uniquely identifies equal elements, but can split your dataset in groups between which there are definitely no one pair of equal elements. Then all equal pairs will be in the inside groups and you can read groups one by one and do manual complex function calculation in the group of not 10 000 000, but for example 100 elements. The other sub-approach is heuristical sorting with the same purpose to guarantee that equal elements aren't on the different endings of a dataset. After that you can read elements one by one and compare with 1000 previous elements for example (already read and kept in memory). I would keep in memory for example 1100 elements and free oldest 100 every time new 100 comes. This would optimize your DB reads. The other implementation of this may be possible also in case your rules contains rules like (Attribute1=Value1) AND (...), or rule like (Attribute1 < Value2) AND (...) or any other simple rule. Then you can make clusterisation first by this criterias and then compare items in created clusters.
By the way, what if your rule considers all 10 000 000 elements equal? Would you like to get 10^14 result pairs? This case proves that you can't solve this task in general case. Try making some limitations and assumptions.
I would try to think about rule hierarchy. Let's say for example that rule A is "Color" and rule B is "Shape".
If you first divide objects by color, than there is no need to compare Red circle with Blue triangle.
This will reduce the number of compares you will need to do.
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