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Communication between MVP triads

Ok, guys, for instance I have this form I told you before Only one DockContent in DockPanel

One edit I made since that times is words in each project appering when user clicks on some project in left pane. I easily created one triad for left pane.

It has projects presenter, projects view, projects model. Here is interfaces for each stuff:

interface IProjectsModel
    void AttachPresenter(IProjectsModelObserver observer);
    System.Collections.Generic.List<Project> projects { get; }
    Project selectedProject { get; set; }

public interface IProjectsViewObserver
    void UserChangedSelectedProject(Project project);
public interface IProjectsModelObserver
    void SelectedProjectChanged(Project project);

public interface IProjectsView : IView
    List<Project> projects { set; }
    Project project { set; }

    void AttachPresenter(IProjectsViewObserver presenter);

So at the moment I'm thinking about making a brand new another MVP triad for right pane. But this is not the main issue. The main issue I ran is how can I make communication process between MVP triads I told you above?

I have been read some article on the web telling that in this situation it's necessary to introduce some Model Coordinator to the project?

So guys my questions is:

  1. Am I right doing two triads intead of just one?
  2. How can I coordinate two triads between each other?
  3. Any proposes/suggestions/offers/advices/tips any many many many other stuff you think as useful for me will be very appreciated!

Big thanks in advance, guys! Thanks for your attention and time!

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kseen Avatar asked May 11 '12 17:05


3 Answers

To coordinate between presenters you can have your MainForm class implement IProjectsViewObserver and set the text on the right dock pane when the user selects a different project. For instance:

class MainForm : IProjectsViewObserver
    void UserChangedSelectedProject(Project project)

If you want to test this behavior, you can create a separate class:

class DockPaneProjectUpdater : IProjectsViewObserver

although this is unnecessary in this case because the code is so simple.

You can investigate simpler ways to do this using anonymous methods, but I do not know enough C# to help you there.

Am I right doing two triads instead of just one?

Yes, because the dock and pane are separate components they will likely need separate MVP triads. You can decide on the granularity (smallness) the MVP triads by trying to make code reusable and testable.

How can I coordinate two triads between each other?

Create a window-level presenter that wires the sub-presenters and can coordinate behavior between triads. You can have the window-presenter be a IProjectsViewObserver and act upon the DockContent. Or if you really want to modularize/unit test the behavior, you can make a separate presenter class (often an anonymous class) for inter-triad communication.

Any proposes/suggestions/offers/advices/tips any many many many other stuff you think as useful for me will be very appreciated!

Read Wikipedia and online articles about MVP and presenter-first. The biggest benefits of MVP are testability and behavior (presenter) modularity so make sure you are taking advantage of them by unit testing (often with a mock/DI framework) and refactoring out behavior into MVP triads when you can reuse code.

It will take some time to figure out how to apply the MVP pattern effectively, so be patient!

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Garrett Hall Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 17:11

Garrett Hall

Follow Garrett's advice. Create subpresenters by a masterpresenter that are aware of each other and can act accordingly. The easiest way is to create a property in both panes' subpresenters.

Are you coming from the Java world? :) C# has its own implementation of observer pattern: events. Please have a look, so you don't need extra java-like interfaces anymore.

UPDATE: As I started writing I changed my mind. In my opinion, the best way to communicate between presenters is to use the shared model.

class SelectedProjectChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public Project SelectedProject {get;set;}

class Project


interface IReadOnlyModel
    Project SelectedProject {get;} 
    event EventHandler<SelectedProjectChangedEventArgs> SelectedProjectChanged;

interface IWritableModel
    Project SelectedProject {get;set;} 
    IList<Project> Projects {get;}

class Model : IReadOnlyModel, IWritableModel
    public Project SelectedProject {get;set;} 
    public event EventHandler<SelectedProjectChangedEventArgs> SelectedProjectChanged;
    public IList<Project> Projects {get;set;}

class ProjectsListPresenter
    readonly IWritableModel _model;

    public ProjectsListPresenter(IWritableModel model)
        _model = model;

    public void ChangeSelectedProject(Project project)
        _model.SelectedProject = project;

class ProjectDetailsPresenter
    readonly IReadOnlyModel _model;

    public ProjectDetailsPresenter(IReadOnlyModel model)
        _model = model;
        _model.SelectedProjectChanged += ModelSelectedProjectChanged;

    void ModelSelectedProjectChanged(object sender, SelectedProjectChangedEventArgs e)
        //update right pane

class WholeFormPresenter
    public ProjectDetailsPresenter DetailsPresenter {get;private set;}
    public ProjectsListPresenter ListPresenter {get;private set;}

    public WholeFormPresenter(Model model)
        DetailsPresenter = new ProjectDetailsPresenter(model);
        ListPresenter = new ProjectsListPresenter(model);

class WholeForm
    ListBox _projectsListControl;
    Panel _detailsPanel;
    public WholeForm()
        var presenter = new WholeFormPresenter(new Model());
        _projectsListControl.Presenter = presenter.ListPresenter;
        _detailsPanel.Presenter = presenter.DetailsPresenter;

I'm aware that the class/interface names are not perfect, but I hope the idea is clear.

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dzendras Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 19:11


If you want to achieve totally thin and abstract way of interaction between your triads, you can use Mediator pattern. Create "message" class/structure and one presenter will subscribe to it and another will send it.

This approach is very similar to subscription to events but gives more abstraction, since presenters on both sides could not even know whether recipient(s) of their message exists or not. Since you are working in context of one process you can pass anything you want in your messages even callback delegates. A good example of mediator pattern implementation could be found in MVVM Light framework. There it is called Messenger. Take a look at on of tests.

Personally, I used mediator when needed to send information between dialog windows that had no common parent or creator. In that scenario it helped to simplify things.

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Alexander Manekovskiy Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11

Alexander Manekovskiy