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Communicating directly between two mobile devices

I'm mostly interested in a general answer for mobile, but something android specific would be acceptable.

Given 2 mobile devices, how can I get a connection between them. I'm new to mobile development, and I'm not sure what kind of NAT mobile devices are behind. Is it possible to do some sort of "hole punching"(using an outside server to aid in getting a connection) to connect them together?

I've looked at this question, but it didn't help me too much, I still don't know how to get an IP and/or traverse a NAT. Android - communicating between two devices

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Cruncher Avatar asked Aug 25 '13 19:08


People also ask

How can I communicate between two devices?

You can connect them via bluetooth using BluetoothSockets. Android developer website has pretty good documentation on this. Or if you'd rather (and have internet on both devices), you can use regular Socket's.

How communication between two people takes place on mobile phones?

Mobile phone converts voice, text, multi-media messages or data calls into Radio Frequencies (RF). Mobile phone base stations transmit and receive these RF signals and connect callers to other phones and other networks.

What is the method of communication between two electronic devices over a network?

Machine-type communication (MTC) is a very wide term, basically covering all types of communication between machines.

What type of communication can be through mobile?

Android mobile phones have taken the communication from personal communication to mass media communication. The communication through WhatsApp, Facebook, and many such social media can be used for both personal and mass media communication.

2 Answers

http://developer.android.com/training/connect-devices-wirelessly/index.html refer this one..

also You can communicate two devices in application using Bluetooth API or using Socket Programming.

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Nikhil Musale Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09

Nikhil Musale

If you want to use general wireless module, like GSM, UMTS, LTE you need to provide standalone hardware with implementation of desired protocols. For GSM you could look into OpenBTS http://openbts.org/ which is free software.

As other communication possibilities, you can use Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/wifip2p.html for establishing wifi connectivity.

Communication abilities are based on a chip's specifications, not all wi-fi support this kind of connection. On the other hand you can also establish Bluetooth connectivity.

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sigrlami Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09
