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Command Pattern vs. Visitor Pattern

Is it generally acceptable to allow a Visitor to modify state of the Receiver, or should that be a Command pattern instead?

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grefly Avatar asked May 18 '10 13:05


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What is Visitor pattern used for?

The purpose of a Visitor pattern is to define a new operation without introducing the modifications to an existing object structure. Imagine that we have a composite object which consists of components.

Why is it called Visitor pattern?

The Visitor pattern suggests that you place the new behavior into a separate class called visitor, instead of trying to integrate it into existing classes.

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1 Answers

The purpose of the visitor pattern is to allow new operations to be added to a class heirarchy without modification to that heirarchy. I've never seen anyone suggesting that only read-only operations are acceptable. The only limitation is that the added operations should only use the public interface of the class heirarchy.

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Mark Nelson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Mark Nelson