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Command-Left/Right Arrow key combo stops working after Lion upgrade [closed]

I posted this in the Apple support forums with no answer, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get one here.

I finally got around to upgrading my MacBook Pro to Lion, and one of the first things I've noticed is that my Command-Left Arrow/Right Arrow key combinations stopped working completely; no matter what application or context I try to use them in, they don't work at all. In Snow Leopard, I used them primarily for moving to the beginning and end of a line in text apps (Komodo IDE, TextWrangler, etc.), changing rooms in Colloquy, and other things. But no matter where I used them, the combination is not recognized. However, if I use them in combination with other keys, such as Option-Command-Right/Left Arrow or Shift-Command-Right/Left Arrow, they work fine. As an example, if I go into my Komodo preferences and try to set a key binding for navigating to the end of a line, the key combination does not even register; but if I do Command-Alt-Right/Left Arrow, it registers fine. In web page textareas, however, even those combinations don't work. Command-Up/Down Arrow combos work fine, but nothing happens with left/right arrows.

In searching these forums and other places, I've seen remedies such as killing the dock (running "killall Dock" from Terminal), some swiping and re-selecting of apps from Mission Control, and other things that seem to have worked for other people with the same problem, but nothing has corrected the problem for me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this?


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wonder95 Avatar asked May 31 '12 19:05


2 Answers

Open a terminal and type killall Dock. It seems to be a bug with the Dock. After that the Dock will restart and you should have your shortcut back (I did!).

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dresende Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11


Check System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts to see if those key combinations have been assigned to some feature.

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Ken Thomases Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11

Ken Thomases