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combo box in spring web mvc

I am using spring web mvc for my app's UI part..

By using following code, i am getting List Box where i can select more then 1 value..

<form:select path="domainsList">
<form:options items="${domainsList}" itemValue="domain" itemLabel="domain"/>

But I need a drop down combo box...

Can any one suggest how can i convert it to combo box ?

Thanks in advance..

like image 858
Nirmal Avatar asked Nov 04 '09 11:11


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A combo box is a commonly used graphical user interface widget (or control). Traditionally, it is a combination of a drop-down list or list box and a single-line editable textbox, allowing the user to either type a value directly or select a value from the list.

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To render a list box, just add the “multiple=true” attribute in the select tag. HTML code, with a hidden value to handle the country selections. For dropdown box, list box or “select” options, as long as the “path” or “property” is equal to the “select option key value“, the options will be selected automatically.

1 Answers

Sorry, for asking silly question.. But i got working combo box by following code :

<form:select path="domainsList" multiple="false" size="1">
<form:options items="${domainsList}" itemValue="domain" itemLabel="domain"/>
like image 165
Nirmal Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
