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Combining two lambda expressions in c#




Given a class structure like this:

public class GrandParent {     public Parent Parent { get; set;} } public class Parent {     public Child Child { get; set;} }  public class Child {     public string Name { get; set;} } 

and the following method signature:

Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner>> Combine (Expression<Func<TOuter, TMiddle>>> first, Expression<Func<TMiddle, TInner>> second); 

How can I implement said method so that I can call it like this:

Expression<Func<GrandParent, Parent>>> myFirst = gp => gp.Parent; Expression<Func<Parent, string>> mySecond = p => p.Child.Name;  Expression<Func<GrandParent, string>> output = Combine(myFirst, mySecond); 

such that output ends up as:

gp => gp.Parent.Child.Name 

Is this possible?

The contents of each Func will only ever be a MemberAccess. I'd rather not end up with output being a nested function call.


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Andrew Bullock Avatar asked Nov 11 '09 19:11

Andrew Bullock

People also ask

How do you combine two expressions?

to combine two expressions or more, put every expression in brackets, and use: *?

Can lambda have more than one statement?

The body of a statement lambda can consist of any number of statements; however, in practice there are typically no more than two or three.

Can we use lambda without functional interface?

Surely lambda expression can be one-time used as your commented code does, but when it comes to passing lambda expression as parameter to mimic function callback, functional interface is a must because in that case the variable data type is the functional interface.

1 Answers

OK; pretty long snippet, but here's a starter for an expression-rewriter; it doesn't handle a few cases yet (I'll fix it later), but it works for the example given and a lot of others:

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  public class GrandParent {     public Parent Parent { get; set; } } public class Parent {     public Child Child { get; set; }     public string Method(string s) { return s + "abc"; } }  public class Child {     public string Name { get; set; } } public static class ExpressionUtils {     public static Expression<Func<T1, T3>> Combine<T1, T2, T3>(         this Expression<Func<T1, T2>> outer, Expression<Func<T2, T3>> inner, bool inline)     {         var invoke = Expression.Invoke(inner, outer.Body);         Expression body = inline ? new ExpressionRewriter().AutoInline(invoke) : invoke;         return Expression.Lambda<Func<T1, T3>>(body, outer.Parameters);     } } public class ExpressionRewriter {     internal Expression AutoInline(InvocationExpression expression)     {         isLocked = true;         if(expression == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");         LambdaExpression lambda = (LambdaExpression)expression.Expression;         ExpressionRewriter childScope = new ExpressionRewriter(this);         var lambdaParams = lambda.Parameters;         var invokeArgs = expression.Arguments;         if (lambdaParams.Count != invokeArgs.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("Lambda/invoke mismatch");         for(int i = 0 ; i < lambdaParams.Count; i++) {             childScope.Subst(lambdaParams[i], invokeArgs[i]);         }         return childScope.Apply(lambda.Body);     }     public ExpressionRewriter()     {          subst = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>();     }     private ExpressionRewriter(ExpressionRewriter parent)     {         if (parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");         subst = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>(parent.subst);         inline = parent.inline;     }     private bool isLocked, inline;     private readonly Dictionary<Expression, Expression> subst;     private void CheckLocked() {         if(isLocked) throw new InvalidOperationException(             "You cannot alter the rewriter after Apply has been called");      }     public ExpressionRewriter Subst(Expression from,         Expression to)     {         CheckLocked();         subst.Add(from, to);         return this;     }     public ExpressionRewriter Inline() {         CheckLocked();         inline = true;         return this;     }     public Expression Apply(Expression expression)     {         isLocked = true;         return Walk(expression) ?? expression;     }      private static IEnumerable<Expression> CoalesceTerms(         IEnumerable<Expression> sourceWithNulls, IEnumerable<Expression> replacements)     {         if(sourceWithNulls != null && replacements != null) {             using(var left = sourceWithNulls.GetEnumerator())             using (var right = replacements.GetEnumerator())             {                 while (left.MoveNext() && right.MoveNext())                 {                     yield return left.Current ?? right.Current;                 }             }         }     }     private Expression[] Walk(IEnumerable<Expression> expressions) {         if(expressions == null) return null;         return expressions.Select(expr => Walk(expr)).ToArray();     }     private static bool HasValue(Expression[] expressions)     {         return expressions != null && expressions.Any(expr => expr != null);     }     // returns null if no need to rewrite that branch, otherwise     // returns a re-written branch     private Expression Walk(Expression expression)     {         if (expression == null) return null;         Expression tmp;         if (subst.TryGetValue(expression, out tmp)) return tmp;         switch(expression.NodeType) {             case ExpressionType.Constant:             case ExpressionType.Parameter:                 {                     return expression; // never a need to rewrite if not already matched                 }             case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:                 {                     MemberExpression me = (MemberExpression)expression;                     Expression target = Walk(me.Expression);                     return target == null ? null : Expression.MakeMemberAccess(target, me.Member);                 }             case ExpressionType.Add:             case ExpressionType.Divide:             case ExpressionType.Multiply:             case ExpressionType.Subtract:             case ExpressionType.AddChecked:             case ExpressionType.MultiplyChecked:             case ExpressionType.SubtractChecked:             case ExpressionType.And:             case ExpressionType.Or:             case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:             case ExpressionType.Equal:             case ExpressionType.NotEqual:             case ExpressionType.AndAlso:             case ExpressionType.OrElse:             case ExpressionType.Power:             case ExpressionType.Modulo:             case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:             case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:             case ExpressionType.LessThan:             case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:             case ExpressionType.LeftShift:             case ExpressionType.RightShift:             case ExpressionType.Coalesce:             case ExpressionType.ArrayIndex:                 {                     BinaryExpression binExp = (BinaryExpression)expression;                     Expression left = Walk(binExp.Left), right = Walk(binExp.Right);                     return (left == null && right == null) ? null : Expression.MakeBinary(                         binExp.NodeType, left ?? binExp.Left, right ?? binExp.Right, binExp.IsLiftedToNull,                         binExp.Method, binExp.Conversion);                 }             case ExpressionType.Not:             case ExpressionType.UnaryPlus:             case ExpressionType.Negate:             case ExpressionType.NegateChecked:             case ExpressionType.Convert:              case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked:             case ExpressionType.TypeAs:             case ExpressionType.ArrayLength:                 {                     UnaryExpression unExp = (UnaryExpression)expression;                     Expression operand = Walk(unExp.Operand);                     return operand == null ? null : Expression.MakeUnary(unExp.NodeType, operand,                         unExp.Type, unExp.Method);                 }             case ExpressionType.Conditional:                 {                     ConditionalExpression ce = (ConditionalExpression)expression;                     Expression test = Walk(ce.Test), ifTrue = Walk(ce.IfTrue), ifFalse = Walk(ce.IfFalse);                     if (test == null && ifTrue == null && ifFalse == null) return null;                     return Expression.Condition(test ?? ce.Test, ifTrue ?? ce.IfTrue, ifFalse ?? ce.IfFalse);                 }             case ExpressionType.Call:                 {                     MethodCallExpression mce = (MethodCallExpression)expression;                     Expression instance = Walk(mce.Object);                     Expression[] args = Walk(mce.Arguments);                     if (instance == null && !HasValue(args)) return null;                     return Expression.Call(instance, mce.Method, CoalesceTerms(args, mce.Arguments));                 }             case ExpressionType.TypeIs:                 {                     TypeBinaryExpression tbe = (TypeBinaryExpression)expression;                     tmp = Walk(tbe.Expression);                     return tmp == null ? null : Expression.TypeIs(tmp, tbe.TypeOperand);                 }             case ExpressionType.New:                 {                     NewExpression ne = (NewExpression)expression;                     Expression[] args = Walk(ne.Arguments);                     if (HasValue(args)) return null;                     return ne.Members == null ? Expression.New(ne.Constructor, CoalesceTerms(args, ne.Arguments))                         : Expression.New(ne.Constructor, CoalesceTerms(args, ne.Arguments), ne.Members);                 }             case ExpressionType.ListInit:                 {                     ListInitExpression lie = (ListInitExpression)expression;                     NewExpression ctor = (NewExpression)Walk(lie.NewExpression);                     var inits = lie.Initializers.Select(init => new                     {                         Original = init,                         NewArgs = Walk(init.Arguments)                     }).ToArray();                     if (ctor == null && !inits.Any(init => HasValue(init.NewArgs))) return null;                     ElementInit[] initArr = inits.Select(init => Expression.ElementInit(                             init.Original.AddMethod, CoalesceTerms(init.NewArgs, init.Original.Arguments))).ToArray();                     return Expression.ListInit(ctor ?? lie.NewExpression, initArr);                  }             case ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds:             case ExpressionType.NewArrayInit:                 /* not quite right... leave as not-implemented for now                 {                     NewArrayExpression nae = (NewArrayExpression)expression;                     Expression[] expr = Walk(nae.Expressions);                     if (!HasValue(expr)) return null;                     return expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds                         ? Expression.NewArrayBounds(nae.Type, CoalesceTerms(expr, nae.Expressions))                         : Expression.NewArrayInit(nae.Type, CoalesceTerms(expr, nae.Expressions));                 }*/             case ExpressionType.Invoke:             case ExpressionType.Lambda:             case ExpressionType.MemberInit:             case ExpressionType.Quote:                 throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented: " + expression.NodeType);             default:                 throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported: " + expression.NodeType);         }      } } static class Program {     static void Main()     {         Expression<Func<GrandParent, Parent>> myFirst = gp => gp.Parent;         Expression<Func<Parent, string>> mySecond = p => p.Child.Name;          Expression<Func<GrandParent, string>> outputWithInline = myFirst.Combine(mySecond, false);         Expression<Func<GrandParent, string>> outputWithoutInline = myFirst.Combine(mySecond, true);          Expression<Func<GrandParent, string>> call =                 ExpressionUtils.Combine<GrandParent, Parent, string>(                 gp => gp.Parent, p => p.Method(p.Child.Name), true);          unchecked         {             Expression<Func<double, double>> mathUnchecked =                 ExpressionUtils.Combine<double, double, double>(x => (x * x) + x, x => x - (x / x), true);         }         checked         {             Expression<Func<double, double>> mathChecked =                 ExpressionUtils.Combine<double, double, double>(x => x - (x * x) , x => (x / x) + x, true);         }         Expression<Func<int,int>> bitwise =             ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, int, int>(x => (x & 0x01) | 0x03, x => x ^ 0xFF, true);         Expression<Func<int, bool>> logical =             ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, bool, bool>(x => x == 123, x => x != false, true);         Expression<Func<int[][], int>> arrayAccess =             ExpressionUtils.Combine<int[][], int[], int>(x => x[0], x => x[0], true);         Expression<Func<string, bool>> isTest =             ExpressionUtils.Combine<string,object,bool>(s=>s, s=> s is Regex, true);          Expression<Func<List<int>>> f = () => new List<int>(new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }.Length);         Expression<Func<string, Regex>> asTest =             ExpressionUtils.Combine<string, object, Regex>(s => s, s => s as Regex, true);         var initTest = ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, int[], List<int>>(i => new[] {i,i,i},                      arr => new List<int>(arr.Length), true);         var anonAndListTest = ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, int, List<int>>(                 i => new { age = i }.age, i => new List<int> {i, i}, true);         /*         var arrBoundsInit = ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, int[], int[]>(             i => new int[i], arr => new int[arr[0]] , true);         var arrInit = ExpressionUtils.Combine<int, int, int[]>(             i => i, i => new int[1] { i }, true);*/     } } 
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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Marc Gravell