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Combining two audio files in C#





There are 2 audio ( mp3 or wav) files. The first file has the voice of me, the second one has the voice of my friend. Each of them has 10 seconds duration. I want to combine them to get one file that also should have 10 seconds duration.

What are the tools or utilities I should use to solve this issue?

UPDATE: I used lame.exe, but it concatenated them and created the file of 20 seconds duration.

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Alexandre Avatar asked Apr 16 '12 07:04


People also ask

How do I combine audio files on my computer?

To start mixing audio files, click File on the top and select Import > Audio. Choose the MP3 files to combine mp3 files windows 10. A new waveform window will open each song to get merge together. You will see the audio files in separate tracks in Windows.

2 Answers

This might do the trick.

My WAVFile class supports 8- and 16-bit audio, mono or stereo. One of its special features is a method that will mix WAV audio files together, so that the audio from each source WAV file will be heard simultaneously.

Note: In the above paragraph, My refers to the author of the class, not to myself.

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npinti Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11


Check out NAudio tutorial: Mixing multiple wave files together in real time.

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BluesRockAddict Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 14:11
