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Combining SVG images programmatically

I have a program that generates multiple SVG files in batch, which I then need to be able to combine (tiled) into one file, with a set whitespace and set width in cm (or mm).

I need either an existing script or a pointer to which libraries and languages I can use to accomplish this. Any suggestions where to start?

like image 550
thomassnielsen Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 09:10


People also ask

How do I combine multiple svgs into one?

To merge multiple SVG files together, upload your vectors or drag n drop them to the editor. Next, place the files together either vertically, horizontally, or at any position. After you're done editing, download the merged SVG in multiple high-res formats.

How do I merge SVG paths?

Open the SVG file in Inkscape (Free software, cross platform https://inkscape.org) Select the paths to merge. From the Path menu, choose Union. Save the file.

Can I have multiple SVG images in a single file?

Yes. What is the issue your having? @JeremyA. West Added XML version, encoding, and SVG Doctype for the external file.

Can Xcode use SVG?

Updates from Apple's 2020 WWDC Conference revealed that Xcode 12 will now support the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format. SVGs are a format of vector graphics known to be smaller files than other vector graphics formats, and as their name implies SVGs scale well.

1 Answers

Here are some tools which can help you to create a SVG sprite sheet from your svg files:



And then you can clean up your svg when all done with a tool like


like image 145
jedierikb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
