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Combining a DirectoryInfo and a FileInfo path



If I have an absolute DirectoryInfo path and a relative FileInfo path, how can I combine them into an absolute FileInfo path?

For example:

var absoluteDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\dir");
var relativeFile = new FileInfo(@"subdir\file");
var absoluteFile = new FileInfo(absoluteDir, relativeFile); //-> How to get this done?
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Dimitri C. Avatar asked Jan 08 '10 10:01

Dimitri C.

People also ask

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The combined paths. If one of the specified paths is a zero-length string, this method returns the other path. If path2 contains an absolute path, this method returns path2 .

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2 Answers

If absoluteDir and relativeFile exist for the sole purpose of being used to create absoluteFile, use should probably stick with plain strings for them and leaving only absoluteFile as a FileInfo.

var absoluteDir = @"c:\dir"; 
var relativeFile = @"subdir\file"; 
var absoluteFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(absoluteDir, relativeFile)); 

Edit: If otherwise you really need them to be typed, then you should use Path.Combine applied to the OriginalPath of each of them, which you can access such as in:

var absoluteDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\dir");
var relativeFile = new FileInfo(@"subdir\file");
var absoluteFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(absoluteDir.ToString(), relativeFile.ToString()));

The OriginalPath property can not be access directly because of the "protected" statuts.

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Alfred Myers Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Alfred Myers

You can just use the FullPath Property on FileInfo class.

FileInfo.FullPath Will get you the full qualified path, whereas

FileInfo.OriginalPath will give you the specified relative path.

If you just wish to combine to different pathes, e.g. the file you want to add the relative path to anoter path, then you should use Path.Combine() for this, as stated already.

like image 22
Oliver Friedrich Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Oliver Friedrich