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Combining 2 queries - getting column names in one and using results in another query

Building my first Microsoft Access SQL queries. That should not be this hard!
I have 2 tables:

Data tableAccessRights table

A user belonging to GroupA logged in. I want to show him only those Data table rows and columns which GroupA is assigned to, like this:

| Group  |  Data3 | Data4  |
| GroupA |   9    |   4    | 
| GroupA |   1    |   5    |

I tried this silly option:

SELECT (select Data from AccessRights where GroupA = "y")
WHERE Data.Group = "GroupA";
like image 275
ZygD Avatar asked Jun 25 '15 19:06


People also ask

Which can be used to combine data from two queries having the same number of columns?

The SQL UNION operator Both tables must have the same number of columns. The columns must have the same data types in the same order as the first table.

How do I combine two columns in SQL?

SELECT *, CONCAT(FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME) AS FIRSTNAME FROM demo_table; Output: Here, we can see that FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME is concatenated but there is no space between them, If you want to add space between the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME then add space(' ') in CONCAT() function. This method will change the original table.

2 Answers

It would probably be better just to pivot your data table and add a column named data. Do the same for access rights.

You data table would look something like this:

Group, Data, Value

AccessRights like this:

Data, Group, Valid
Data1, GroupA, Y
Data2, GroupA, N

Then you could just join the two tables together and filter as needed.

Select * 
FROM Data D 
  JOIN AccessRights A 
     on D.data = A.data and D.Group = A.Group
WHERE A.Valid = 'Y' 
      and D.Group = 'GroupA'
like image 171
voglster Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


I use this query:

    IIf((SELECT GroupA FROM AccessRights WHERE Data = "Data1")="y",[Data1],Null) AS Data_1, 
    IIf((SELECT GroupA FROM AccessRights WHERE Data = "Data2")="y",[Data2],Null) AS Data_2, 
    IIf((SELECT GroupA FROM AccessRights WHERE Data = "Data3")="y",[Data3],Null) AS Data_3, 
    IIf((SELECT GroupA FROM AccessRights WHERE Data = "Data4")="y",[Data4],Null) AS Data_4

For this result:

Group   | Data_1 | Data_2 | Data_3 | Data_4
GroupA  |        |        | 9      | 4
GroupA  |        |        | 1      | 5

I just hide values of Data1 and Data2.

If you really want to hide your columns you need to use VBA that I create a VBA function that will give your final query string based on your group:

Function myQuery(groupName As String) As String
    Dim strResult As String
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim i As Integer

    strResult = "SELECT [DATA].[Group]"

    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Data], [" & groupName & "] FROM AccessRights WHERE [" & groupName & "] = ""y""")

    For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount
        strResult = strResult & "," & rs.Fields("Data").Value
    Next i

    strResult = strResult & " FROM [Data] WHERE ((Data.[Group])=""" & groupName & """)"

    myQuery = strResult
End Function

For example; myQuery("GroupA") will be

SELECT [DATA].[Group],Data3,Data4 FROM [Data] WHERE ((Data.[Group])="GroupA")
like image 35
shA.t Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
