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Combining 2 lists and and remove duplicates .Output in a third list .My attempts do not work



I always seem to have a problem when I need to compare 2 list and produce a 3rd list which include all unique items.I need to perform this quite often.

Attempt to reproduce the issue with a noddy example.

Am I missing something? Thanks for any suggestions

The wanted result

   Name= Jo1 Surname= Bloggs1 Category= Account
   Name= Jo2 Surname= Bloggs2 Category= Sales
   Name= Jo5 Surname= Bloggs5 Category= Development
   Name= Jo6 Surname= Bloggs6 Category= Management
   Name= Jo8 Surname= Bloggs8 Category= HR
   Name= Jo7 Surname= Bloggs7 Category= Cleaning

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
          List<Customer> listOne = new List<Customer>();
        List<Customer> listTwo = new List<Customer>();

        listOne.Add(new Customer { Category = "Account", Name = "Jo1", Surname = "Bloggs1" });
        listOne.Add(new Customer { Category = "Sales", Name = "Jo2", Surname = "Bloggs2" });
        listOne.Add(new Customer { Category = "Development", Name = "Jo5", Surname = "Bloggs5" });
        listOne.Add(new Customer { Category = "Management", Name = "Jo6", Surname = "Bloggs6" });

        listTwo.Add(new Customer { Category = "HR", Name = "Jo8", Surname = "Bloggs8" });
        listTwo.Add(new Customer { Category = "Sales", Name = "Jo2", Surname = "Bloggs2" });
        listTwo.Add(new Customer { Category = "Management", Name = "Jo6", Surname = "Bloggs6" });
        listTwo.Add(new Customer { Category = "Development", Name = "Jo5", Surname = "Bloggs5" });
        listTwo.Add(new Customer { Category = "Cleaning", Name = "Jo7", Surname = "Bloggs7" });

    List<Customer> resultList = listOne.Union(listTwo).ToList();//**I get duplicates why????**

        resultList.ForEach(customer => Console.WriteLine("Name= {0} Surname= {1} Category= {2}", customer.Name, customer.Surname, customer.Category));

        IEnumerable<Customer> resultList3 = listOne.Except(listTwo);//**Does not work**

        foreach (var customer in resultList3)
            Console.WriteLine("Name= {0} Surname= {1} Category= {2}", customer.Name, customer.Surname, customer.Category);

        **//Does not work**
        var resultList2 = (listOne
                       .Where(n => !(listTwo
                           .Select(o => o.Category))
                       .OrderBy(n => n.Category);

        foreach (var customer in resultList2)
            Console.WriteLine("Name= {0} 
                             Surname= {1} 
                             Category= {2}", 

customer.Name, customer.Surname, customer.Category); } Console.Read();


public class Customer
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }
    public string Category { get; set; }
like image 411
user9969 Avatar asked Sep 10 '10 05:09


People also ask

How do I combine two lists without duplicates?

Python merges two lists without duplicates could be accomplished by using a set. And use the + operator to merge it.

How do you merge two lists without duplicates in Python?

Use set() and list() to combine two lists while removing duplicates in the new list and keeping duplicates in original list. Call set(list_1) and set(list_2) to generate sets of the elements in list_1 and list_2 respectively which contain no duplicates.

1 Answers

Couldn't you do this by using the Concat and Distinct LINQ methods?

List<Customer> listOne;
List<Customer> listTwo;

List<Customer> uniqueList = listOne.Concat(listTwo).Distinct().ToList(); 

If necessary, you can use the Distinct() overload that takes an IEqualityComparer to create custom equality comparisons

like image 161
cordialgerm Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
