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combineLatest doesn't emit latest value




I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around why combineLatest isn't returning the latest value. This example is a bit contrived but at least it illustrates my problem. Notice the value of color from the combineLatest observable returns a previous value, when the subject.value is correct. It's like the color$ observable hasn't emitted.

import { map, distinctUntilChanged, combineLatest } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/observable';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';

const main$ = new BehaviorSubject({color: 'red'});

const color$ = main$.pipe(
  map(state => state.color),

.subscribe(([state, color]) => {
  console.log(state, color, main$.value.color);

    color: 'yellow'

Actual Output

{color: "red"} "red" "red"

{color: "yellow"} "red" "yellow"

{color: "yellow"} "yellow" "yellow"

Expected Output

{color: "red"} "red" "red"

{color: "yellow"} "yellow" "yellow"  // Notice middle value is yellow

{color: "yellow"} "yellow" "yellow"


If someone could help explain whats going, and provide a workaround or proper way to think about this in rxjs I would appreciate it.

like image 726
cgatian Avatar asked Apr 18 '18 22:04


1 Answers

It may be useful to visualize what is going on rather than words:

main$     R--------------------Y------------------------------

color$    -------R-----------------------Y---------------------

output    -----[R,R]---------[Y,R]-----[Y,Y]------------------

If you use zip instead of combineLatest, you will get very closer to what you expect. See bellow what happens if you use zip:

main$     R--------------------Y------------------------------

color$    -------R-----------------------Y---------------------

output    -----[R,R]-------------------[Y,Y]------------------
like image 163
siva636 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
