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Combine two context managers into one


I use Python 2.7 and I know that I can write this:

with A() as a, B() as b:     do_something() 

I want to provide a convenience helper which does both. The usage of this helper should look like this:

with AB() as ab:     do_something() 

Now AB() should do both: Create context A() and create context B().

I have no clue how to write this convenience helper

like image 932
guettli Avatar asked Aug 09 '17 11:08


People also ask

What does __ enter __ do in Python?

__enter__() is provided which returns self while object. __exit__() is an abstract method which by default returns None . See also the definition of Context Manager Types. New in version 3.6.

Can context managers be used outside the with statement?

Yes, the context manager will be available outside the with statement and that is not implementation or version dependent. with statements do not create a new execution scope.

When would you use a context manager?

A context manager usually takes care of setting up some resource, e.g. opening a connection, and automatically handles the clean up when we are done with it. Probably, the most common use case is opening a file. The code above will open the file and will keep it open until we are out of the with statement.

1 Answers

Don't re-invent the wheel; this is not as simple as it looks.

Context managers are treated as a stack, and should be exited in reverse order in which they are entered, for example. If an exception occurred, this order matters, as any context manager could suppress the exception, at which point the remaining managers will not even get notified of this. The __exit__ method is also permitted to raise a different exception, and other context managers then should be able to handle that new exception. Next, successfully creating A() means it should be notified if B() failed with an exception.

Now, if all you want to do is create a fixed number of context managers you know up front, just use the @contextlib.contextmanager decorator on a generator function:

from contextlib import contextmanager  @contextmanager def ab_context():     with A() as a, B() as b:         yield (a, b) 

then use that as:

with ab_context() as ab: 

If you need to handle a variable number of context managers, then don't build your own implementation; use the standard library contextlib.ExitStack() implementation instead:

from contextlib import ExitStack  with ExitStack() as stack:     cms = [stack.enter_context(cls()) for cls in (A, B)]      # ... 

The ExitStack then takes care of correct nesting of the context managers, handling exiting correctly, in order, and with the correct passing of exceptions (including not passing the exception on when suppressed, and passing on new-ly raised exceptions).

If you feel the two lines (with, and separate calls to enter_context()) are too tedious, you can use a separate @contextmanager-decorated generator function:

from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager  @contextmanager def multi_context(*cms):     with ExitStack() as stack:         yield [stack.enter_context(cls()) for cls in cms] 

then use ab_context like this:

with multi_context(A, B) as ab:     # ... 

For Python 2, install the contextlib2 package, and use the following imports:

try:     from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager except ImportError:     # Python 2     from contextlib2 import ExitStack, contextmanager 

This lets you avoid reinventing this wheel on Python 2 too.

Whatever you do, do not use contextlib.nested(); this was removed from the library in Python 3 for very good reasons; it too did not implement handling entering and exiting of nested contexts correctly.

like image 143
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Martijn Pieters