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Combine two ActiveRecord Query results


I currently have two active record queries that I would like to combine together

 joins("join relationships ON user_id = followed_id").               where("follower_id = #{user.id}") 


 where(:user_id => user.id) 

Basically I want the results of the second one to appear with the first similar to a UNION statement in SQL. Can it be done in ActiveRecord in this way?

I would prefer to use a union rather that have to join all the followed_ids in a string and use the IN clause in sql.

Any ideas?

-----Edit------ I am looking for a way to get this to work with lazy loading

like image 608
zzawaideh Avatar asked Aug 29 '10 08:08


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1 Answers

This was useful for me:

Model.where(...) | Model.where(...) 
like image 104
Corentin Geoffray Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Corentin Geoffray