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Combine Three MySQL Queries Into One Using JOIN




I'm having a lot of trouble combining two MySQL queries and getting the correct data.

My first query is as follows:

SELECT e.employee_id,
    COUNT(s.sale_id) AS employee_sales
FROM employees e,
    sales s,
    days d
WHERE s.sale_id = '$sale_type'
    AND d.day_year_id = '$year'
    AND s.sale_day_id = d.day_id
    AND e.employee_id = s.sale_employee_id
GROUP BY e.employee_id

Then, on each employee result I execute three queries to get specific information about each employee:

Firstly, to get the total minutes they've worked, I execute the following query. When I try to join this one with the first one, I'm having problems returning all of the minutes they've worked regardless of whether they've made a sale on a particular day:

SELECT SUM(employee_day_end_minute-employee_day_start_minute) AS employee_minutes
FROM employee_days ed,
    days d
WHERE ed.employee_days_employee_id = '$employee_id'
    AND ed.employee_days_day_id = d.day_id
    AND d.day_year_id = '$year'

Secondly, to get the type of job they performed the most:

SELECT ed.employee_day_position,
    COUNT(ed.employee_day_position) AS count
FROM employee_days ed,
    days d
WHERE ed.employee_days_employee_id = '$employee_id'
    AND ed.employee_days_day_id = d.day_id
    AND d.day_year_id = '$year'
GROUP BY match_player_position

And lastly I get an average weighting by which to multiply sales values based on the days and times of days they've worked:

SELECT (SUM(dw.day_weighting_value)/COUNT(s.day_weighting_value)) AS employee_weigting
    FROM employee_days ed,
    day_weightings dw,
    days d
WHERE ed.employee_day_employee_id = '$employee_id'
    AND ed.employee_day_day_id = d.day_id
    AND d.day_year_id = '$year'
    AND dw.day_weighting_day_id = d.day_id
    AND dw.day_weighting_minute >= ed.employee_day_start_minute
    AND dw.day_weighting_minute <= ed.employee_day_end_minute`

Could anyone provide me with guidance on whether this is possible at all, and if so, where to start with it?

Thanks in advance!

like image 861
user142224 Avatar asked Dec 29 '14 08:12


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1 Answers

The first and third queries are easy to join. You just write a subquery that returns the results grouped for each employee ID, and join those subqueries to the original query.

SELECT p.employee_id,
    COUNT(s.sale_id) AS employee_sales,
FROM employees e
JOIN sales s ON e.employee_id = s.sale_employee_id
JOIN days d ON s.sale_day_id = d.day_id
JOIN (SELECT ed.employee_days_employee_id, SUM(employee_day_end_minute-employee_day_start_minute) AS employee_minutes
      FROM employee_days ed
      JOIN days d ON ed.employee_days_day_id = d.day_id
      WHERE d.day_year_id = '$year'
      GROUP BY ed.employee_days_employee_id) AS ed ON ed.employee_days_employee_id = e.employee_id
JOIN (SELECT ed.employee_days_employee_id, (SUM(dw.day_weighting_value)/COUNT(s.day_weighting_value)) AS employee_weigting
      FROM employee_days ed
      JOIN day_weightings dw ON dw.day_weighting_minute >= ed.employee_day_start_minute
                                AND dw.day_weighting_minute <= ed.employee_day_end_minute
      days d ON dw.day_weighting_day_id = d.day_id
                AND ed.employee_day_day_id = d.day_id
      WHERE d.day_year_id = '$year'
      GROUP BY ed.employee_days_employee_id) AS edw ON edw.employee_days_employee_id = e.employee_id
WHERE s.sale_id = '$sale_type'
      AND d.day_year_id = '$year'
GROUP BY e.employee_id

The middle query is harder. There's probably a way to write it as a single query that returns the top job grouped by employee, but I can't think of it now.

like image 78
Barmar Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
