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Combine multiple neural network models

I run a loop 200 times within which I:

  • randomly divide my dataset into training and test sets

  • fit a neural networks model with R's nnet() command on the training set

  • assess performance on the test set

I save each model to a list.

Now I want to use a combined model to make out-of-sample predictions. I've used the combine function for this purpose on randomForest objects. Is there a similar combine command for nnet objects?

I cannot upload the dataset but below is the code I'm currently working with. It works as is, except for the last line where I seek a command to combine models.

    n <- 200
    nnet_preds <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = n)
    nnet_predstp <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = n)
    nnet_predstn <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = n)
    nnet_predsfptp <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = n)
    nnet_predsfntp <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = n)
    NN_predictions <- matrix(NA,  ncol = 1,  nrow = 10) 
    outcome_2010_NN <- testframe2[, "ytest"] 
    nn_model <- vector("list", n)

    data<-testframe2[, c("sctownpop", "sctownhh", "scnum_tribes", "sctownmusl_percap", "scmuslim", "scprop_stranger", "sctownstrg_percap", "scprop_domgroup", "scexcom", "sctownexcm_percap", "sctownretn_percap", "scprop_under30", "scprop_male", "scedulevel", "scprop_noeduc", "scprop_anypeace", "scgroup_prtcptn", "scpubcontr", "scsafecommdum", "scciviccommdum", "scoll_action_add", "scngodependent", "scgovtdependent", "scpolicourtscorr", "screlmarry", "scmslmnolead", "sccrime_scale", "scviol_scale", "sclandconf_scale", "sctownnlnd_percap", "scnolandnofarm", "scfarmocc", "scunemployed", "scwealthindex", "scwealth_inequality", "scviol_experienced", "scviol_part", "scanylndtake", "scdisp_ref", "sfacilities", "sfreq_visits", "sctot_resources", "scmeanprice_above75", "scmosquesdum", "scmnrt_ldrshp", "scany_majorconf", "sstate_presence", "sremote", "scmobilec", "scradio_low")]

    data = cbind(outcome_2010_NN, data)

    sampleSplit = round(nrow(data)-(nrow(data)/5))

    for(i in 1:n) {     

    data_randomization <- data[sample(1:nrow(data),  dim(data)[1],  replace=FALSE), ]

    train <- data_randomization[1:sampleSplit, ]
    test  <- data_randomization[(sampleSplit+1):nrow(data), ]

    nn_model[[i]] <- nnet(outcome_2010_NN ~ sctownpop +           sctownhh+ scnum_tribes+ sctownmusl_percap+ scmuslim+          scprop_stranger+   sctownstrg_percap+ scprop_domgroup+     scexcom+  sctownexcm_percap+   sctownretn_percap+   scprop_under30 +  scprop_male+         scedulevel+          scprop_noeduc+       scprop_anypeace+     scgroup_prtcptn+     scpubcontr+          scsafecommdum+       scciviccommdum+      scoll_action_add+    scngodependent+      scgovtdependent+     scpolicourtscorr+    screlmarry+          scmslmnolead+        sccrime_scale+       scviol_scale+        sclandconf_scale+    sctownnlnd_percap+   scnolandnofarm+      scfarmocc+           scunemployed+        scwealthindex+       scwealth_inequality+ scviol_experienced+  scviol_part+         scanylndtake+        scdisp_ref+          sfacilities+         sfreq_visits+        sctot_resources+     scmeanprice_above75+ scmosquesdum+        scmnrt_ldrshp+       scany_majorconf+     sstate_presence+     sremote+             scmobilec+           scradio_low, 
    data=train,  size = 3,  decay = 0.1)# size=number of units/nodes in the (single_hidden layer); decay=parameter for weight decay. Default 0.

    predictions <- predict(nn_model[[i]],  test)

    nncvpredictionsA50 <- ifelse( nnpredorder > 24,  1,  0 )    # manually optimized

    errors <- table(test[, "outcome_2010_NN"],  nncvpredictionsA50)             

    accuracy.rate <- (errors[1, 1]+errors[2, 2])/sum(errors)
    true.pos.rate <- (errors[2, 2]/(errors[2, 2]+errors[2, 1]))
    true.neg.rate <- (errors[1, 1]/(errors[1, 1]+errors[1, 2]))
    FPTP <- (errors[1, 2]/errors[2, 2])
    FNTP <- (errors[2, 1]/errors[2, 2])

    nnet_preds[i, ] <- accuracy.rate
    nnet_predstp[i, ] <- true.pos.rate
    nnet_predstn[i, ] <- true.neg.rate
    nnet_predsfptp[i, ] <- FPTP
    nnet_predsfntp[i, ] <- FNTP

    mean(nnet_preds); sd(nnet_preds)
    mean(nnet_predstp); sd(nnet_predstp)

    NN_predictions[1, ] <- mean(nnet_predstp) # TP accuracy rate (sensitivity)
    NN_predictions[2, ] <- sd(nnet_predstp) # TP accuracy rate (sensitivity)
    NN_predictions[3, ] <- mean(nnet_predstn)  # TN accuracy rate (specificity)
    NN_predictions[4, ] <- sd(nnet_predstn) # TN accuracy rate (specificity)
    NN_predictions[5, ] <- mean(nnet_preds)  # Accuracy rate
    NN_predictions[6, ] <- sd(nnet_preds) # Accuracy rate
    NN_predictions[7, ] <- mean(nnet_predsfptp)  # Ratio FP:TP
    NN_predictions[8, ] <- sd(nnet_predsfptp) # Ratio FP:TP
    NN_predictions[9, ] <- mean(nnet_predsfntp)  # Ratio FN:TP
    NN_predictions[10, ] <- sd(nnet_predsfntp) # Ratio FN:TP


### Combine NN models  #Where `combine` is the randomForest command     
aggNNmodel <- do.call(combine, nn_model)
like image 556
Dr. Beeblebrox Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 19:11

Dr. Beeblebrox

1 Answers

You should not be able to use Random Forest's combine method since it is for decision trees. But Random Forest is boosting algorithm therefore you should be able to use a boosting algorithm for combining neural network models.

Boosting is an approach to combine weak learners but there is not rule against using a strong learner like neural network for boosting.

Can a set of weak learners create a single strong learner?

Use a boosting algorithm like AdaBoost with your Neural network as its weak learner. A google search shows couple of boosting packages in R.

like image 94
Atilla Ozgur Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Atilla Ozgur