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Combine memoization and tail-recursion

Is it possible to combine memoization and tail-recursion somehow? I'm learning F# at the moment and understand both concepts but can't seem to combine them.

Suppose I have the following memoize function (from Real-World Functional Programming):

let memoize f = let cache = new Dictionary<_, _>()                 (fun x -> match cache.TryGetValue(x) with                           | true, y -> y                           | _       -> let v = f(x)                                        cache.Add(x, v)                                        v) 

and the following factorial function:

let rec factorial(x) = if (x = 0) then 1 else x * factorial(x - 1) 

Memoizing factorial isn't too difficult and making it tail-recursive isn't either:

let rec memoizedFactorial =   memoize (fun x -> if (x = 0) then 1 else x * memoizedFactorial(x - 1))  let tailRecursiveFactorial(x) =   let rec factorialUtil(x, res) = if (x = 0)                                   then res                                   else let newRes = x * res                                        factorialUtil(x - 1, newRes)   factorialUtil(x, 1) 

But can you combine memoization and tail-recursion? I made some attempts but can't seem to get it working. Or is this simply not possible?

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Ronald Wildenberg Avatar asked Aug 11 '10 14:08

Ronald Wildenberg

People also ask

Does memoization use recursion?

What is Memoization? Memoization is a way to potentially make functions that use recursion run faster. As I'll show in an example below, a recursive function might end up performing the same calculation with the same input multiple times. This means it could end up taking longer than the iterative alternative.

Should tail recursion be avoided?

No. Go for readability. Many computations are better expressed as recursive (tail or otherwise) functions. The only other reason to avoid them would be if your compiler does not do tail call optimizations and you expect you might blow the call stack.

Does tail recursion use less memory?

The advantage of tail recursion is not less memory consumption, but: This is to ensure that no system resources, for example, call stack, are consumed. When the call is not tail-recursive, the stack must be preserved across calls.

Is tail recursion faster than recursion?

While tail-recursive calls are usually faster for list reductions—like the example we've seen before—body-recursive functions can be faster in some situations. That's often true when mapping over a list, where the function takes a list and returns a list without reducing it to a single value.

1 Answers

As always, continuations yield an elegant tailcall solution:

open System.Collections.Generic   let cache = Dictionary<_,_>()  // TODO move inside  let memoizedTRFactorial =     let rec fac n k =  // must make tailcalls to k         match cache.TryGetValue(n) with         | true, r -> k r         | _ ->              if n=0 then                 k 1             else                 fac (n-1) (fun r1 ->                     printfn "multiplying by %d" n  //***                     let r = r1 * n                     cache.Add(n,r)                     k r)     fun n -> fac n id  printfn "---" let r = memoizedTRFactorial 4 printfn "%d" r for KeyValue(k,v) in cache do     printfn "%d: %d" k v  printfn "---" let r2 = memoizedTRFactorial 5 printfn "%d" r2  printfn "---"  // comment out *** line, then run this //let r3 = memoizedTRFactorial 100000 //printfn "%d" r3 

There are two kinds of tests. First, this demos that calling F(4) caches F(4), F(3), F(2), F(1) as you would like.

Then, comment out the *** printf and uncomment the final test (and compile in Release mode) to show that it does not StackOverflow (it uses tailcalls correctly).

Perhaps I'll generalize out 'memoize' and demonstrate it on 'fib' next...


Ok, here's the next step, I think, decoupling memoization from factorial:

open System.Collections.Generic   let cache = Dictionary<_,_>()  // TODO move inside  let memoize fGuts n =     let rec newFunc n k =  // must make tailcalls to k         match cache.TryGetValue(n) with         | true, r -> k r         | _ ->              fGuts n (fun r ->                         cache.Add(n,r)                         k r) newFunc     newFunc n id  let TRFactorialGuts n k memoGuts =     if n=0 then         k 1     else         memoGuts (n-1) (fun r1 ->             printfn "multiplying by %d" n  //***             let r = r1 * n             k r)   let memoizedTRFactorial = memoize TRFactorialGuts   printfn "---" let r = memoizedTRFactorial 4 printfn "%d" r for KeyValue(k,v) in cache do     printfn "%d: %d" k v  printfn "---" let r2 = memoizedTRFactorial 5 printfn "%d" r2  printfn "---"  // comment out *** line, then run this //let r3 = memoizedTRFactorial 100000 //printfn "%d" r3 


Ok, here's a fully generalized version that seems to work.

open System.Collections.Generic   let memoize fGuts =     let cache = Dictionary<_,_>()     let rec newFunc n k =  // must make tailcalls to k         match cache.TryGetValue(n) with         | true, r -> k r         | _ ->              fGuts n (fun r ->                         cache.Add(n,r)                         k r) newFunc     cache, (fun n -> newFunc n id) let TRFactorialGuts n k memoGuts =     if n=0 then         k 1     else         memoGuts (n-1) (fun r1 ->             printfn "multiplying by %d" n  //***             let r = r1 * n             k r)   let facCache,memoizedTRFactorial = memoize TRFactorialGuts   printfn "---" let r = memoizedTRFactorial 4 printfn "%d" r for KeyValue(k,v) in facCache do     printfn "%d: %d" k v  printfn "---" let r2 = memoizedTRFactorial 5 printfn "%d" r2  printfn "---"  // comment out *** line, then run this //let r3 = memoizedTRFactorial 100000 //printfn "%d" r3  let TRFibGuts n k memoGuts =     if n=0 || n=1 then         k 1     else         memoGuts (n-1) (fun r1 ->             memoGuts (n-2) (fun r2 ->                 printfn "adding %d+%d" r1 r2 //%%%                 let r = r1+r2                 k r))  let fibCache, memoizedTRFib = memoize TRFibGuts  printfn "---" let r5 = memoizedTRFib 4 printfn "%d" r5 for KeyValue(k,v) in fibCache do     printfn "%d: %d" k v  printfn "---" let r6 = memoizedTRFib 5 printfn "%d" r6  printfn "---"  // comment out %%% line, then run this //let r7 = memoizedTRFib 100000 //printfn "%d" r7 
like image 92
Brian Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
