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Combine a:visited with a:after, or chaining pseudo-classes with pseudo-elements

Let's say I wanted to add a shape (like a checkmark) next to a link after it has been visited, instead of having it just turn purple, using a:after along with a:visited.

I'm unsure if I should select the shape like this:

a:visited:after {

or like this:

a:visited a:after


a:visited :after {

(i'm also a bit fuzzy on when I should or shouldn't add a space before a pseudo-element, or does it even matter?)

or perhaps something different?

Right now my css looks like this:

a:visited:after {
    /* check mark shape */
    color: black;
    position: relative;
    width: 3px;
    height: 6px;
    border: solid black;
    border-width: 0 2px 2px 0;  
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(45deg);

check mark shape code from http://webitect.net/design/webdesign/creating-fancy-bullet-points-with-pure-css3/

Thanks for any help.

like image 656
LazerSharks Avatar asked Sep 09 '12 20:09


People also ask

Can we combine pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes?

There are no special rules around combining pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, besides the one rule that says there can only be one pseudo-element per complex selector and it must appear at the very end.

Can you chain pseudo-classes?

You can still chain pseudoselectors.

Can you combine pseudo selectors?

If you're talking about pseudo-classes, then yes, you can combine them in any order.

What are pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements?

Pseudo-classes enable you to target an element when it's in a particular state, as if you had added a class for that state to the DOM. Pseudo-elements act as if you had added a whole new element to the DOM, and enable you to style that.

1 Answers

You're supposed to use a:visited:after as you're currently doing. It doesn't work not because of an error in your code, but because the issue lies in the :visited pseudo-class — it doesn't permit the use of pseudo-elements because of privacy concerns.

So basically, you won't be able to apply your checkmark icon to visited links only.

Regarding this:

(i'm also a bit fuzzy on when I should or shouldn't add a space before a pseudo-element, or does it even matter?)

It does matter, because the space represents a descendant combinator:

  1. The selector a:visited a:after represents the :after pseudo-element of an a that is a descendant of another a which is a visited link, which in HTML doesn't quite make sense.

  2. The selector a:visited :after is similar to a:visited a:after, except it represents :after of any kind of descendant of a:visited.

    It can be rewritten as a:visited *:after. See the universal selector in the spec.

By omitting the space, you're applying the pseudo-element directly to the element represented by the selector before it, which in your case is a:visited, not any of its descendants.

like image 150
BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10
