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COM Port cannot be opened Unity

I'm using an arduino board to communicate serial data into Unity. I had this working using the read analog voltage sample that comes with the board and the output from that happily displayed in the debug log.

However, now when I run Unity i get the following error:

IOException: The port `COM11' does not exist.

I've changed my COM port to be a variety of numbers but they all come back with the same error.

My serial port reading code is thus:

SerialPort stream = null;
string data = "Ready";

private float DataTimer = 2.0f;
private float TimeToCheckStream = 0.1f; // check data every second
public string COMPort = "";
public int baudRate = 9600;

void Awake ()

    stream = new SerialPort(COMPort,baudRate); //originally 9600
    Debug.Log ("Initialized stream");

    LogWriter writer = LogWriter.Instance;
    writer.WriteToLog( COMPort);

void Start ()
//  LogWriter writer = LogWriter.Instance;
//  writer.WriteToLog("Testing test");

        if ( stream != null )
            if ( stream.IsOpen ) // close if already open
                Debug.Log ("Closed stream");

            Debug.Log ("Opened stream");

            Debug.Log ("ERROR: Uninitialized stream");


void Update ()

    if(DataTimer < TimeToCheckStream) 
        DataTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        DataTimer = 0.0f;

        if ( stream != null )
            if ( stream.IsOpen )
                // if stream is open do things in here

            Debug.Log ("NULL stream");

void OnGUI ()
    GUI.Label ( new Rect(500,10,300,100), data );

void OnApplicationQuit ()

    if ( stream != null )

Is there any reason as to why my COM port would suddenly decide to close itself?

like image 241
N0xus Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 10:03


1 Answers

You can access your COM11 with replacing it with \\.\COM11 You must write:

myPort= new SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM11",9600);

Take a look at Microsoft's Website

like image 130
aubatmaz Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 01:03
