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Column cannot be added because its CellType property is null exception

I have trouble with the following piece of code. When I go through with the debugger I get an exception when it comes to the following line:

dgvCalls.Columns.Insert(1, msisnnColumn);

I get an exception:

Column cannot be added because its CellType property is null.

Oddly, I created the same procedure for some other DataGridViews and it worked fine.

if (!(dgvCalls.Columns.Contains("DirectionImage")))
                    directionIconColumn = new DataGridViewImageColumn();
                    directionIconColumn.Name = "DirectionImage";
                    directionIconColumn.HeaderText = "";
                    dgvCalls.Columns.Insert(0, directionIconColumn);
                    directionIconColumn.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewImageCell();
                if (!(dgvCalls.Columns.Contains("msisndColumn")))
                    msisnnColumn = new DataGridViewColumn();
                    msisnnColumn.Name = "msisndColumn";
                    msisnnColumn.HeaderText = "Klic";
                    dgvCalls.Columns.Insert(1, msisnnColumn);
                    msisnnColumn.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();

Any suggestions?

like image 297
Niko Gamulin Avatar asked Nov 06 '08 16:11

Niko Gamulin

1 Answers

dgvCalls.Columns.Insert(1, msisnnColumn);
msisnnColumn.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();

Try flipping those two lines. That might do the trick.

like image 188
BFree Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10
