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coloring primefaces table cells depending on condition

it's my first project with primefaces, and I can't find out why my cells are not colored. my XHTML file contains the following:

<title>Job Status Reporter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jobstatusreport/colors.css" />


 <h:dataTable var="myJob" value="#{workPackage.jobs}"
    rowStyleClass="#{myJob.jobStatus == 'SUCCESS' ? 'green' : 
  (myJob.jobStatus == 'PARTIAL SUCCESS' ? 'yellow' : (myJob.jobStatus == 'FAILURE' ? 'red'   :'white'))}">
    <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobId}" />
        <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobType}" />
    <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobStatus}" />

and my colors.css file is created in WebContent/resources/css/ folder and defined as follow:

.green.ui-datatable { background: green;}

.red.ui-datatable {background: red;}

.yellow.ui-datatable {background: yellow;}

.white.ui-datatable {background: white;}

but I still get uncolored cells on my web browser, can anyone tell me what's the problem?


when I changed h:dataTable ... to p:dataTable ... I got the following message:

/globalReport.xhtml @32,169 rowStyleClass="#{myJob.jobStatus == 'SUCCESS' ? 'green' : (myJob.jobStatus == 'PARTIAL SUCCESS' ? 'yellow' : (myJob.jobStatus == 'FAILURE' ? 'red' : 'white'))}": Property 'jobStatus' not found on type org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection$SetProxy 

can anyone help, please?

like image 797
Guizmoo03 Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 13:03


1 Answers

I've finally found a solution: In myJob class I added the below method:

    public String createLabel(){

    switch (jobStatus){

    case "SUCCESS":
        return "SUCCESS";

        return "PARTIAL_SUCCESS";

    case "FAILURE":
        return "FAILURE";

        return "DEFAULT";   

and in my globalReport.xhtml I changed the following:

<title>Job Status Reporter</title>
<h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="colors.css" target="head" />


<h:dataTable var="myJob" value="#{workPackage.jobs}">
    <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobId}"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobType}"/>
        <h:outputText value="#{myJob.jobStatus}" styleClass="#{myJob.createLabel()}"/>

and my colors.css is :

background-color : green !important;

background-color: red !important; 

background-color: yellow !important;

background-color: white !important; 

and it works perfectly. many thanks @Lukasz for your precious help.

like image 104
Guizmoo03 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
