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Color the react-navigation drawer active icon if using react-native-vector-icons

I have this react-navigation drawer:

enter image description here

I want to color the active icons green like the labels.

I'm using react-native-vector-icons for the icons.


const AddMenuIcon = ({ navigate }) => (
      onPress={() => navigate('DrawerOpen')}

const SearchMenuIcon = ({ navigate }) => (
    onPress={() => navigate('DrawerOpen')}

const LoginMenuIcon = ({ navigate }) => (
    style={{ fontWeight: '900' }}
    onPress={() => navigate('DrawerOpen')}

const Stack = {
  Login: {
    screen: Login,
    headerMode: 'none'
  Search: {
    screen: Search,
    headerMode: 'none'
  Add: {
    screen: Add,
    headerMode: 'none'

const DrawerRoutes = {
  Login: {
    name: 'Login',
    screen: StackNavigator(Stack.Login, {
      headerMode: 'none'
    headerMode: 'none',
    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
      drawerIcon: LoginMenuIcon(navigation)
  'Search Vegan': {
    name: 'Search',
    screen: StackNavigator(Stack.Search, {
      headerMode: 'none'
    headerMode: 'none',
    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
      drawerIcon: SearchMenuIcon(navigation)
  'Add vegan': {
    name: 'Add',
    screen: StackNavigator(Stack.Add, {
      headerMode: 'none'
    headerMode: 'none',
    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
      drawerIcon: AddMenuIcon(navigation)

const CustomDrawerContentComponent = props => (
  <SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#3f3f3f', color: 'white' }}>
    <DrawerItems {...props} />

const RootNavigator = StackNavigator(
    Drawer: {
      name: 'Drawer',
      screen: DrawerNavigator(DrawerRoutes, {
        initialRouteName: 'Login',
        drawerPosition: 'left',
        contentComponent: CustomDrawerContentComponent,
        contentOptions: {
          activeTintColor: '#27a562',
          inactiveTintColor: 'white',
          activeBackgroundColor: '#3a3a3a',
      headerMode: 'none',
      initialRouteName: 'Login'
    initialRouteName: 'Login'
    headerMode: 'none',
    initialRouteName: 'Drawer'

export default RootNavigator

Is there any way at all to colour the active icon the same as the active text if using react-native-vector-icons? activeTintColor doesn't work on the icon. Can we programmatically check if active? Another strange thing is rgba colours do not work on the CustomDrawerContentComponent so I can't make the background semi-transparent which is annoying. Bonus if you can help there too!

like image 478
BeniaminoBaggins Avatar asked Oct 02 '18 06:10


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How do I change the background color on my navigation drawer? Create a new Android application using application name: "Navigation Drawer" and package name: "com. Select the "Navigation Drawer Activity" as the default activity. To change the default theme color of the application, change the values in values/colors.

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Using your above example, changing the background color will go thus: const Drawer = DrawerNavigator( { dOne: {screen: Screen1}, dTwo: {screen: Screen2}, }, { initialRouteName: 'dOne', contentOptions: { style: { backgroundColor: 'black', flex: 1 } }, } );

1 Answers

In react-navigation Version: 5.x

use color not tintColor providing-a-custom-drawercontent

    <Drawer.Screen name="settingscreen" component={Settings}
                drawerLabel: "Settings",
                drawerIcon: ({ color }) => <MaterialCommunityIcons name="settings" size={24} style={[styles.icon, { color: color }]} />
like image 65
SUDHIR KUMAR Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10