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Color shemes in webstorm 7 - how to install?



How to install color scheme in webstorm 7 on windows? There are no any folder named webide10 in my user's folder.

Theme that I want to install is here https://github.com/negativefix/zenburn

like image 340
mikach Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 11:12


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Change the UI themeIn the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), select Appearance & Behavior | Appearance. Alternatively, press Ctrl+` and select Theme from the Switch list.

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Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Editor | Color Scheme. Use the Scheme list to select a color scheme.

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To install: Go to Settings | Plugins, find the theme plugin and install it. Restart the IDE. Go to Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance and select IntelliJ Light Preview in the Theme dropdown.

2 Answers

Select «File» → «Import Setting» from the main menu and follow the instructions. After the IDE restarted go to the Preferences, expand «Editor» → «Colors and fonts» tab and choose the installed theme.

like image 197
Rahnzo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09


For WEbStorm7 the Zenburn.xml has to be placed into ~.WebStorm7\config\colors\ folder (where ~ is your home folder, like 'C:\Users\my.name\.WebStorm7\config\colors\Zenburn.xml'

like image 41
lena Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
