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Colaboratory: How to install and use on local machine?


Google Colab is awesome to work with, but I wish I can run Colab Notebooks completely locally and offline, just like Jupyter notebooks served from the local?

How do I do this? Is there a Colab package which I can install?

EDIT: Some previous answers to the question seem to give methods to access Colab hosted by Google. But that's not what I'm looking for.

My question is how do I pip install colab so I can run it locally like jupyter after pip install jupyter. Colab package doesn't seem to exist, so if I want it, what do I do to install it from the source?

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Saravanabalagi Ramachandran Avatar asked May 05 '18 22:05

Saravanabalagi Ramachandran

People also ask

Can I use Google colab without Internet?

No…. Google! They created Colab to give free access to virtually anyone to the hardware needed to do Deep Learning. With Google Colab you have access to Server CPUs, State of the Art GPUs and TPUs for free! and the only two things you need is Internet access and a Google account.

Can Google colab work with local files?

Since a Colab notebook is hosted on Google's cloud servers, there's no direct access to files on your local drive (unlike a notebook hosted on your machine) or any other environment by default. However, Colab provides various options to connect to almost any data source you can imagine.

Does Google colab run locally or cloud?

Google Colab is simply an online representation of Jupyter Notebook. While Jupyter Notebook needs installation on a computer and can only use local machine resources, Colab is a full-fledged cloud app for Python coding.

1 Answers

From this Github link, it seems that Google Colab may not be (or remain) opensource.

From whatever I have hunted for, the repo is here:

git clone https://github.com/googlecolab/colabtools.git
cd colabtools
python setup.py install

And then check if you have it installed :)

pip list | grep colab
google-colab                       0.0.1a1

Alternatively if you want a wheel (will be put inside dist folder), you shall do

python setup.py bdist_wheel
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Saravanabalagi Ramachandran Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

Saravanabalagi Ramachandran