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CoffeeScript editor for MacOS

Does anybody know a good text editor for Mac that supports syntax highlighting in CoffeeScript? Is it possible to do this in TextWrangler or BBEdit?

Cheers :)

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kolinko Avatar asked Nov 22 '10 13:11


People also ask

Is CoffeeScript still a thing?

As of today, January 2020, CoffeeScript is completely dead on the market (though the GitHub repository is still kind of alive).

Is CoffeeScript easy to learn?

CoffeeScript is a lightweight language that compiles into JavaScript. It provides simple and easy to learn syntax avoiding the complex syntax of JavaScript.

2 Answers

On http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/ there is a list of what is available.

For Emacs there is CoffeeScript Major Mode (Emacs for mac: http://aquamacs.org/)

For Vim there is Vim CoffeeScript (Vim for mac: http://code.google.com/p/macvim/)

For Textmate there is CoffeeScript TextMate Bundle (how noted by Trevor, this is maintained by CoffeeScript creator Jeremy Ashkenas. And how noted by Chocohound, it works on Sublime Text 2 too)

For Gedit there is gedit-coffeescript

For IntelliJ IDEA and RubyMine there is coffeescript-idea

I can find nothing for TextWrangler or BBEdit.


The list moved to the wiki and now there is an attempt to make a BBEdit plugin too ;)

As mb21 said, you can find TextWrangler instructions here.

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Sinetris Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09


To highlight coffeescript in Eclipse:

  1. Download http://www.gstaff.org/colorEditor/cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar
  2. Download https://raw.github.com/dhotson/coffeescript-jedit/master/coffeescript.xml
  3. Open cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar with a zip editor.
  4. Put coffeescript.xml into the cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar\modes directory
  5. Edit cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar\modes\catalog (it's an XML file)
  6. Add a line for Coffeescript:

<MODE NAME="coffee" FILE="coffeescript.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.coffee" />

Save the .jar and put it into Eclipse's plugin directory. Restart Eclipse and .coffee files should now be highlighted.

WARNING: For some reason, this plugin's default colours are TERRIFYINGLY UNUSABLE. I recommend editing the colours to the attached first, before viewing any files. Honestly, just save yourself the heartache.

Colour preferences in Eclipse

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Jeremy Warne Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Jeremy Warne