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Coding for ARM NEON: How to start?





BACKGROUND (skip this if you like)

Let me start by saying that I am no expert programmer. I am a young junior computer vision (CV) engineer, and I am fairly experienced in C++ programming mainly because of an extensive use of the great OpenCV2 C++ API. All I've learned was through the need to execute projects, the need to solve problems and meet deadlines, as it is the reality in the industry.

Recently, we started developing CV software for embedded systems (ARM boards), and we do it using plain C++ optimized code. However, it is a huge challenge to build a real-time CV system in this kind of architecture due to its limited resources when compared to traditional computers.

Thats when I found about NEON. I've read a bunch of articles about this, but this is a fairly recent theme, so there isn't much information about it and the more I read, the more confused I get.


I'm looking to optimize C++ code (mainly some for loops) using the NEON capability of computing 4 or 8 array elements at a time. Is there some kind of library or set of functions that can be used in C++ environment? The main source of my confusion is the fact that almost all code snipets I see are in Assembly, for which I have absolutely no background, and can't possibly afford to learn at this point. I use Eclipse IDE in Linux Gentoo to write C++ code.


After reading the answers I did some tests with the software. I compiled my project with the following flags:

-O3 -mcpu=cortex-a9 -ftree-vectorize -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon 

Keep in mind that this project include extensive libraries such as openframeworks, OpenCV and OpenNI, and everything was compiled with these flags. To compile for the ARM board we use a Linaro toolchain crosscompiler, and GCC's version is 4.8.3. Would you expect this to improve the performance of the project? Because we experienced no changes at all, which is rather weird considering all the answers I read here.

Another question: all the for cycles have an apparent number of iteratons, but many of them iterate through custom data types (structs or classes). Can GCC optimize these cycles even though they iterate through custom data types?

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Pedro Batista Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 18:02

Pedro Batista

3 Answers


From your update, you may misunderstand what the NEON processor does. It is an SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) vector processor. That means that it is very good at performing an instruction (say "multiply by 4") to several pieces of data at the same time. It also loves to do things like "add all these numbers together" or "add each element of these two lists of numbers to create a third list of numbers." So if you problem looks like those things the NEON processor is going to be huge help.

To get that benefit, you must put your data in very specific formats so that the vector processor can load multiple data simultaneously, process it in parallel, and then write it back out simultaneously. You need to organize things such that the math avoids most conditionals (because looking at the results too soon means a roundtrip to the NEON). Vector programming is a different way of thinking about your program. It's all about pipeline management.

Now, for many very common kinds of problems, the compiler automatically can work all of this out. But it's still about working with numbers, and numbers in particular formats. For example, you almost always need to get all of your numbers into a contiguous block in memory. If you're dealing with fields inside of structs and classes, the NEON can't really help you. It's not a general-purpose "do stuff in parallel" engine. It's an SIMD processor for doing parallel math.

For very high-performance systems, data format is everything. You don't take arbitrary data formats (structs, classes, etc.) and try to make them fast. You figure out the data format that will let you do the most parallel work, and you write your code around that. You make your data contiguous. You avoid memory allocation at all costs. But this isn't really something a simple StackOverflow question can address. High-performance programming is a whole skill set and a different way of thinking about things. It isn't something you get by finding the right compiler flag. As you've found, the defaults are pretty good already.

The real question you should be asking is whether you could reorganize your data so that you can use more of OpenCV. OpenCV already has lots of optimized parallel operations that will almost certainly make good use of the NEON. As much as possible, you want to keep your data in the format that OpenCV works in. That's likely where you're going to get your biggest improvements.

My experience is that it is certainly possible to hand-write NEON assembly that will beat clang and gcc (at least from a couple of years ago, though the compiler certainly continues to improve). Having excellent ARM optimization is not the same as NEON optimization. As @Mats notes, the compiler will generally do an excellent job at obvious cases, but does not always handle every case ideally, and it is certainly possible for even a lightly skilled developer to sometimes beat it, sometimes dramatically. (@wallyk is also correct that hand-tuning assembly is best saved for last; but it can still be very powerful.)

That said, given your statement "Assembly, for which I have absolutely no background, and can't possibly afford to learn at this point," then no, you should not even bother. Without first at least understanding the basics (and a few non-basics) of assembly (and specifically vectorized NEON assembly), there is no point in second-guessing the compiler. Step one of beating the compiler is knowing the target.

If you are willing to learn the target, my favorite introduction is Whirlwind Tour of ARM Assembly. That, plus some other references (below), were enough to let me beat the compiler by 2-3x in my particular problems. On the other hand, they were insufficient enough that when I showed my code to an experienced NEON developer, he looked at it for about three seconds and said "you have a halt right there." Really good assembly is hard, but half-decent assembly can still be better than optimized C++. (Again, every year this gets less true as the compiler writers get better, but it can still be true.)

  • ARM Assembly language
  • A few things iOS developers ought to know about the ARM architecture (iPhone-focused, but the principles are the same for all uses.)
  • ARM NEON support in the ARM compiler
  • Coding for NEON

One side note, my experience with NEON intrinsics is that they are seldom worth the trouble. If you're going to beat the compiler, you're going to need to actually write full assembly. Most of the time, whatever intrinsic you would have used, the compiler already knew about. Where you get your power is more often in restructuring your loops to best manage your pipeline (and intrinsics don't help there). It's possible this has improved over the last couple of years, but I would expect the improving vector optimizer to outpace the value of intrinsics more than the other way around.

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Rob Napier Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10

Rob Napier

Here's a "mee too" with some blog posts from ARM. FIRST, start with the following to get the background information, including 32-bit ARM (ARMV7 and below), Aarch32 (ARMv8 32-bit ARM) and Aarch64 (ARMv8 64-bit ARM):

  • ARM NEON programming quick reference

Second, checkout the Coding for NEON series. Its a nice introduction with pictures so things like interleaved loads make sense with a glance.

  • ARM NEON programming quick reference

  • Coding for NEON - Part 1: Load and Stores

  • Coding for NEON - Part 2: Dealing With Leftovers

  • Coding for NEON - Part 3: Matrix Multiplication

  • Coding for NEON - Part 4: Shifting Left and Right

  • Coding for NEON - Part 5: Rearranging Vectors

I also went on Amazon looking for some books on ARM assembly with a treatment of NEON. I could only find two, and neither book's treatment of NEON were impressive. They reduced to a single chapter with the obligatory Matrix example.

I believe ARM Intrinsics are a very good idea. The instrinsics allow you to write code for GCC, Clang and Visual C/C++ compilers. We have one code base that works for ARM Linux distros (like Linaro), some iOS devices (using -arch armv7) and Microsoft gadgets (like Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps).

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jww Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10


If you have access to a reasonably modern GCC (GCC 4.8 and upwards) I would recommend giving intrinsics a go. The NEON intrinsics are a set of functions that the compiler knows about, which can be used from C or C++ programs to generate NEON/Advanced SIMD instructions. To gain access to them in your program, it is necessary to #include <arm_neon.h>. The verbose documentation of all available intrinsics is available at http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0073a/IHI0073A_arm_neon_intrinsics_ref.pdf , but you may find more user-friendly tutorials elsewhere online.

Advice on this site is generally against the NEON intrinsics, and certainly there are GCC versions which have done a poor job of implementing them, but recent versions do reasonably well (and if you spot bad code generation, please do raise it as a bug - https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/ )

They are an easy way to program to the NEON/Advanced SIMD instruction set, and the performance you can achieve is often rather good. They are also "portable", in that when you move to an AArch64 system, a superset of the intrinsics you can use from ARMv7-A are available. They are also portable across implementations of the ARM architecture, which can vary in their performance characteristics, but which the compiler will model for performance tuning.

The principle benefit of the NEON intrinsics over hand-written assembly, is that the compiler can understand them when performing its various optimization passes. By contrast hand-written assembler is an opaque block to GCC, and will not be optimized. On the other hand, expert assembler programmers can often beat the compiler's register allocation policies, particularly when using the instructions which write to or read from to multiple consecutive registers.

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James Greenhalgh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

James Greenhalgh