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Codesign check fails Xcode 4

I just created all new dev and deployment certs and I'm getting this weird error when I try to validate the application in the archive manager:

error: Codesign check fails : /var/folders/w_/dvqfkh916k12c5hn639qvvqw0000gn/T/oqhxIfU87c/Payload/TestUpload.app: valid on disk
/var/folders/w_/dvqfkh916k12c5hn639qvvqw0000gn/T/oqhxIfU87c/Payload/TestUpload.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
test-requirement: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)

I've looked all over to see how to fix this error but nothing seems to help for Xcode 4. I've followed the setup on the provisioning profile, however it doesn't seem to be updated for the newest Xcode 4 software (I've gotten this to work with previous versions of Xcode before archive manager was set in place)

Any help would be appreciated

like image 507
Parad0x13 Avatar asked Jan 14 '12 20:01


1 Answers

I was testing using an old certificate cerated while ago and it did worked fine, but creating a new certificate using a new apple dev account wont work.

It seems like new certificates are created with issues from apple provisioning portal.

So, I guess there is not a problem on your app, and we just have to wait until they fix the bug.

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Mario Tatis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Mario Tatis