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Codemirror editor fullscreen - how to add custom functions to code mirror

There is a nice example of how to make a fullscreen version of the CodeMirror editor. However this is not going to work if the CodeMirror widget is in the middle of some other position: absolute or relative div (the CodeMirror widget's absolute positioning won't be relative to the entire page anymore).

We can add a new command to CodeMirror to go fullscreen:

CodeMirror.commands.fullscreen = function (cm)
var fs_p = $(cm.getWrapperElement());

if ( cm._ic3Fullscreen == null) {
    cm._ic3Fullscreen = false;
    cm._ic3container = fs_p.parent();

if (!cm._ic3Fullscreen)
    fs_p = fs_p.detach();
    cm._ic3Fullscreen = true;
    fs_p = fs_p.detach();
    cm._ic3Fullscreen = false;

After we need to bind this new command when creating the CodeMirror. Add this to the options:

extraKeys: {"F11": "fullscreen"}

The question is what to put in the CodeMirrorFullscreen CSS class to make sure fullscreen will work?

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ic3 Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 10:10


1 Answers

Using position: fixed instead of absolute should do the trick.

To test it out, just modify the CSS of CodeMirror's fullscreen.html demo as follows:

  form {
    position: relative;
  .CodeMirror-fullscreen {
    display: block;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0; left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 9999;

(The added form selector is not part of the solution. It's just there to make sure we're testing the case you care about – where using position: absolute in .CodeMirror-fullscreen doesn't work).

like image 148
peterflynn Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
